Nick. As we wanted it to be.

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Song recommendation for the chapter: Holy. - King princess.


Warning about sexual scenes.

I think it's worth mentioning that in the next chapter there will be graphic, detailed and erotic descriptions of Nick and Charlie having different types and degrees of sexual relations. Although this is not uncommon in the fanfic world, I think it is important to make it clear that my intention is not to offend anyone or disrespect the original characters. In my fiction, Charlie and Nick are adults with every right to give their enthusiastic consent and enjoy their sexuality extensively. It is in my best interest to remove the taboo surrounding the flashy depiction of homosexual sex, as I feel it has historically been portrayed as depraved or vulgar. Sexuality is beautiful, important, and can be part of the art world if it is treated with affection, consent and enthusiastic affection and respect between the characters who share it.

Now, if you don't want to read this content you don't have to, just skip those chapters. Heartstopper's focus on everything about love but the sexual act, and that is incredible and important, but I clarify that my intention will be to make several chapters of them exploring their sexuality, in varying degrees of intensity, as I believe this can be entertaining, beautiful and benign to remove the stigma and treat sex as the affectionate exchange of pleasure from a poetic and mutually caring side. Language is diverse and does not have to be vulgar. The use of words like penis, anus, orgasm, semen, masturbation, among others, has nothing wrong with it, and let's consider that my story is intended for adults only.

For a sincere world, without censorship or oppression, affectionate, and free of violence, where we can celebrate our sexuality openly and happily with the people we love and who love us.

Disclaimer about threesome.

This scene has an extra layer of complication, since it is an intimate scene between more than two people. I understand that the idea of monogamy as the ultimate expression of love is something we have deeply rooted, and if the idea of imagining these characters with someone else is not to your liking, skip these chapters. My intention is not to offend Heartstopper fans, but to create a diverse story where more than one affective expression has room. It isn't wrong to not enjoy this kind of interactions even in fiction, but is not okay to invalidate non-monogamous love.


Hunger, doubt and affection invaded Nick's gaze as he searched for validation in his boyfriend's eyes, and Charlie just let go and, prompted by Ben's hand on the back of his neck, kissed him hard. Charlie's lips calmed his nerves a little. Feeling him close and happy embraced his heart out of doubt, which Ben altered too quickly with such a short kiss. Nick couldn't hide that he wanted to be with Ben...but the anxiety of hurting or making Charlie feel that Ben somehow overshadowed what they had was too much.

Luckily, Charlie managed, Nick didn't know how, to calmed that doubt with just a kiss and a look. The taste of wine from both boys mingled in Nick's mouth, and when he cut the kiss short so he could breathe, he noticed that the three of them had moved even closer.

"Watching you is... almost as entertaining as participating." Ben said, as he repositioned himself to Nick's side. Charlie sighed as he still felt their hands on his body, and Nick noticed that both Ben and he were looking at him with anticipation, waiting for the next instruction.

"It occurs to me..." Charlie smiled and stood up, and Nick missed the touch of his body on him. Charlie offered a hand to get both boys off the ground, and for a moment the three of them stood like that. Charlie in the middle, Ben, behind him, being taller than him, and Nick in front of Charlie, being taller than both of them. Charlie reached a hand back, reaching for the back of Ben's neck. "Can you come a little closer?" Ben heeded him, and glued his body to his. Nick, noticing Ben watching him with desire as he pulled his body closer to Charlie, instinctively pulled his body closer to his boyfriend. Encapsulating Charlie between the two of them, as he felt Charlie's hand hold onto his shirt. "Are you sure Sara isn't coming?" Charlie asked.

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