Nick. Stopping

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Song recomendation for the chapter: Angel baby. - Troy Sivan.

When time ran out on the stadium clock and the game ended, Nick blew his whistle for the last time and let all his players go to the showers. Thanks to the strategy he had planned, they had won, they were consistent and they listened to him, which filled him with pride and excitement. As he signaled some of them to help him with the cones, he watched as two boys, of different heights, joked about something, and helped each other pick things up as they headed back to the school.

Remembering himself like that, with Charlie, all those years ago, filled his heart with nostalgia.


He had been so busy with the game that he hadn't even noticed where he was on the bleachers. Luckily people were starting to leave, and Nick could easily spot Charlie coming down from one of the seats and find him halfway between the field and the first tier.

He was smiling so much, and looked hot and distracted, but he didn't take his eyes off him. Nick just hoped he didn't stink like a sweaty teenager and didn't look like a creep.

"I'd hug you but I look like crap."

"That was amazing Nick!" Charlie looked ecstatic. They were a few feet apart, since Nick had to keep putting things away and Charlie was separated by the bleacher railings, but they both felt the magnetism pulling them.

"Did you really like it?" Nick looked more amazed than Charlie expected.

"Of course I did! That new strategy at the end of the second half changed the game for them, plus I think you exploited very well that the other team had a weak flank...I loved watching you run the game."

Nick was on cloud nine, Charlie talking about Rugby and understanding their strategies? there was no better feeling.

"Did you...did you figure all that out?"

"Um...excuse me, I used to play Rugby, if you don't remember. I didn't just join the team because of the immense crush I had on the gorgeous captain... well yeah, I only joined because of that, but I learned something in the end."

"Wow." Nick was at a loss for words, just looking at Charlie with deep emotion, affection and desire. "You're...amazing."

"Just... paying attention." Charlie winked at him, as he looked him up and down. "Isaac and Tao went ahead with the girls. I'll wait for you at the entrance okay? Don't be long." With that Charlie walked away, and Nick couldn't help but sweep him up with immense desire and affection as he left.

"God that man is perfect." He said aloud, he needed a cold shower right then and there.

He took the quickest shower in history, thinking about the deep blue of Charlie's eyes, and how he looked walking in those pants that fit him so well. When he had changed, he went to check on the boys, he touched the locker room first so as not to intrude, and when he heard some strange shouting, he went in immediately.

Nick found two of his players cornering one of the boys he had seen laughing with his friend on the field a few minutes ago. He was thin and scrawny, with straight reddish brown hair. The boys, bigger than him, seemed to be having fun, but he looked like he'd seen a ghost... almost green with fear.

"What's keeping you guys here...home" Nick said in the most authoritative tone he could muster. The two tall boys just laughed for a second.

"We were just leaving coach... just having fun for a second."

"You don't look like you're having fun." Nick didn't want to assume anything, and through it all he kept his eyes on the little boy who clearly just waiting to run away. "Before you go, Jhonson and Mendez, I need you to tidy up some of the materials in the warehouse."

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