Charlie. House.

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Song recomendation for the chapter: Perfect places. - Melodrama. - Lorde.

The doorbell made Nick peel away from his lips.

"I'm going to kill whoever is interrupting us" Charlie held him tightly by the hip to keep him from leaving, and Nick, between laughs, gave him one more kiss before walking away to answer the door.

"Now that you live here we can do that whenever we want."

Charlie's head was still spinning with excitement.

¿What had just happened? ¿They were living together now? He thought as a huge smile spread across his face and held up the keys he had just given him.

It didn't take long for the apartment to fill up with people. First to arrive were Tara and Darcy, who couldn't help but bring their weight in plants for the apartment.

"This one's doing great in the shade, don't worry." Tara was arranging the plant in a corner as she brushed the dirt off her black overalls.

"You'll have to remind me to water them, I'm lousy with plants."

"Charlie is very good, don't worry." Tara winked, while Darcy and Charlie hugged.

"Just because I haven't killed the orchid you gave me a year ago doesn't mean I'm good with plants."

"If I can keep the downtown garden alive you can with four potted plants kids." Darcy rolled her eyes, as she pulled some bottles of wine out of her backpack. "I also brought this to water you guys." She wore a blue velvet shirt Elle had given her for her birthday, with beige pants.

Then Tao, Elle and Isaac arrived. Those also brought gifts for both of them.

"NO WAY!" Nick shouted in happiness when Elle gave him a painting. An impressionistic landscape of what looked like a beach.

"I didn't know which one to give you, but Charlie picked it out...I hope you like it." Charlie blushed as Nick gave them both a hug.

"I LOVE IT. Did Char tell you i wanted one of your landscapes?"

"He practically begged me to give it to you." Elle adjusted her white ensemble. "But I was already planning on painting something for your anyway."

"Did I choose well?" Charlie gave Nick a kiss on the cheek.

"More than well. I love it."

Charlie thought it reminded him of the beach when Nick confirmed they were dating, and the memory filled him with butterflies as Nick arranged the painting on top of the couch.

"It can't go on that wall, that's the projector wall." Tao crossed his arms. That day he had decided to stop wearing only black, and was wearing a matching gray pants and sweatshirt. Tao held up his gift, one of his old projectors that still worked perfectly.

"Of course not, I'll put that one in my room."

"Do you expect us all to lie on your bed? We'd better vote."

Darcy and Tao raised their hand, and Isaac just rolled his eyes.

"Nick decides where to put his stuff Tao" Isaac added, he had given him a small bookcase. Nick didn't have many books so that was more than enough.

"Thank you Isaac."

"Do I get to vote?" Charlie asked, as he and Isaac arranged Nick's books on the bookcase.

"Sure my love."

"Sure my love." Tao lambasted him as Elle nudged him and everyone laughed.

Eventually the last guests arrived. Karina and Ben. Karina brought a lasagna she had cooked for everyone, and as she put it in the oven along with Tara, Nick and Charlie greeted the green-eyed boy. It was the first time they had seen him after the trio, and none of them  knew how they would feel. He was wearing a denim shirt and black pants, looking handsome as always.

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