Nick. A little bit closer.

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Song recommendation for the chapter: The Archer. - Lover. - Taylor Swift.

"Are you sure you don't want me to come with you to see the apartment?" Charlie was caressing him on the back of the neck, that always caused electric charges all over his body.

"You have classes cutie, you have very few left and you're free. You'll be able to graduate with your genius boy academic excellence and you'll be able to enjoy the future."

"Of unemployment you will say."

"The band is back... what are you talking about."

Nick was driving him to school, one of his hands on her thigh. He was very happy to be able to touch him more loosely without feeling like he had to ask his permission all the time, and he liked even more how that put Charlie on...they were both quite eager for more intimacy and hadn't been able to have anything in a while. Unfortunately he'd had to drop him off at his house last night after the chinese food, which left them both very very much looking forward to some time...alone. Nick had been dying to spend time with him, so he had picked him up from his house early in the morning to take him to his class and to see an apartment he was interested in before going to work.

"I know but we still don't make enough to support, having cancelled a few gigs we're afraid we might have missed a chance."

"You will have to work hard but I think it can take off quite well. You're very good... especially you, you're a star." Nick added with a little squeeze of Charlie's thigh, which made Charlie smile, blush and stop looking out the window to look at him. "Besides, I think you need the time to get back to writing, you always talk to me about your ideas and I see you make some notes but you need to put in some good time."

"Do you really like my ideas?" Charlie secretly feared that Nick was just being nice because of how he felt about him, and that he really didn't remember everything he told him about what he wanted to write.

"Claro que si, me encantan. En especial la ultima que me contaste, sobre la novela. Creo que sería fantástica." Nick sintió como Charlie se derretía por lo que le decía, y se sintió satisfecho de provocarle lo que el le provoco en el partido de Rugby.

"You really listen to me." Charlie was quite proud and in love.

"Of course my love, always." Nick smiled proudly.

"You are... so sexy."

"Shut up... I've been needing you for quite some time and I'm about to burst."

"You were the one who stopped us yesterday."

"We were in my living room...and my mother could have heard everything."

"Excuses." Charlie teased him, as he moved his hand from the back of his neck to rub his chin and jaw. "You need to shave now professor." He joked, and Nick felt his growing beard. Unfortunately they were already arriving at Charlie's college, and he couldn't enjoy his company anymore.

"Do you think I should shave?"

"NO" Charlie blurted out, desperate. He unbuckled his seatbelt and moved in to kiss him, pulling his chin. He kissed him much more intensely and deeply than what should be appropriate to do in the car in front of the university...but they couldn't stop. "I...really like you with a beard."

"I lied... how about you skip class and come with me." Nick said with his eyes closed and trying to kiss him again, as he felt Charlie's hand go down his chest... but Charlie pulled away and opened the car door.

"Nice day silly. Thanks for the ride love."

"CHAR" Nick laugh.

"DON'T MAKE THIS HARDER" he said laughing, as he got out of the car, winked at him and walked away towards his college. Nick stood blushing and laughing, alone in his car with an immense erection and only thinking about Charlie.

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