The teleportation

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[disclaimers are in description]

+my AU and doesnt follow animes storyline

The morning previous to the teleport

[wait hold up I was bout to write Monday 25 September not realising that's today ]

Monday: 18/09/1012

A basic day

That wasn't like the normal rest

Middle school classroom 9:30 am

3rd person view pov

The school bell rang as class began and we were handed out the results to a previous test we took along with our substitute teacher

The tests were being passed around as a long brown hair girl with pale white skin and greenish eyes with a tint of gold scribbled on some blank scrap paper drawing her favourite oc she made her main oc that reflected many of her features but a fictional version for when the girl would finally be capable of taking a new form and transporting through different worlds through reality shifting a old way to move along worlds without risking your physical form to be harmed in any form. Siting on her seat just scribbling drawing the teacher asked her a question "not going to join in the lesson this time?"


I just looked up from my drawings to look at my teacher who was female "what are we going to do just continue the multiplication From last lesson?"

The teacher responded "yes we are doing that would you like to join or continue drawing?"

"I'll continue drawing if what we are learning about catches my attention I'll join in"

"Okay then"

My teacher passed me my test results and moved on I looked at them getting the usual results before returning to my sketches

I was drawing a universe Drawing now of the solar system but with slight changes colouring it in carefully in a few minutes after working on it I was following unnaturally strong urges I had with the drawing it look3 like a portal

working on the drawing in a loud classroom blocking all noises out were my strong urges I've had for the past hour I had a urge to

'Put a sticker Star on the picture?'

I looked at the picture hoping this wouldn't destroy the picture as I followed my urges and put a yellow star on the picture right in the centre

Right as it touched the page all my urges faded in moments
On my picture was the stare I put there confusing me as it looked weird but also didn't look bad but I didn't like the sticker itself I went and was about to pull the sticker off when
All of the sudden I thought I saw a flash of light in the picture "what the.."
I stared at the picture my hand hovering above it from when I was about to take the sticker off
I shook the thought out of my mind touching the sticker I saw it again the universe picture would glow when I touched it then all of the sudden it glown bright and the picture spreaded outside of the drawing "WHAT THE-"
The teacher was looking away but the room was swallowed with a white light
(Picture example beneath)

" I stared at the picture my hand hovering above it from when I was about to take the sticker off "Nevermind" I shook the thought out of my mind touching the sticker I saw it again the universe picture would glow when I touched it then all of the ...

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My class in My hero academia  [fanfiction] [discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now