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I had the two be untied "so then i mistaken you as someone else."

I just played the mistake off but in reality i was trying to figure out how to fuck i beated the two people one that could have easily outmatched me in seconds and another one who is plain dangerous meanwhile I'm literally scared of aizawa. (Fr)

I just turned away "sorry about that." I just went to everyone else and grabbed some leftover food my classmates didnt eat before just shoving it in my mouth but i could still feel the discomfort of the glares i had from the two hero's I literally ambushed

[💭: i seriously got off on the wrong foot with someone im literally scared off....]

I just had faced them again and saw that the two were confused but also annoyed

"can you explain why you attacked us in the first place."

I stared as they asked the question

"My classmates woken me up crying and shaking and said that someone was outside so i gone and saw you two who were the only people in the area you didnt notice me so i took the fist hit" i just packed up the food i held in my hands before i went to get help fixing my bandages from a classmate who helped me replace them (222 words.) As soon as i had the bandages dealt with i felt someone pick my foot up and I immediately was picked up upside down met face the face with aizawa "i know you got to go to a police station today i believe ypu could explain the misunderstanding better there." I stared blankly debating on poking his eyes out for treating me like a animal just then but i wasn't gonna escalate the situation as for of now not saying i wouldn't later. "Fine whatever give me a fucking minute and do not dare drop me i am not a cat."

"Wasn't planning it until you suggested it"

He fucking dropped me by the foot I immediately landed on my feet and threw him across the alleyway

As some classmate of mine said "well thats not everyday."

"Do you wanna go flying too"

"Fuck not, not thank you."

"That's what i thought"





I had packed the burrow up abit and put the important stuff and main stuff we had in a bag fro safe keeping before i zipped it up and told my classmates that they are not to open the bag leave the alleyway or anything and that jakaya was in charge. Before i left having to deal eith the stupid hero's————

My class in My hero academia  [fanfiction] [discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now