Back again from the dead

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[i dunno with the title just considered it as fitting]

Since the discovery of my immortality ive been chiming in with the hero work despite my age while in my free time i now spent it tryna find a way home

As i done this i provoked a teleportation leading me and my class to wake up back home in our classroom the same moment we teleported away 

Sitting right there on the desk infront of my seat my artwork with the galaxy picture the thing that start this whole mess the star sticker was gone as everyone had burst out into a massive noise confusing our teacher who had no clue about the teleportation as from her view we all burst out of our seats shouting gibberish and acting insane with confusion radating everyones auras while i sat there blankly overthinking the whole event my mind first thing was the scars i looked all up my arms,legs my body and exited the room running outside to the bathrooms sliding to infront the mirror i just pulled my head forward and looking the scar that was in the middle completely evaporated into thin air with only the visual outline of subtle details with slightly darker  skin around the edges of where it was barely noticeable but i could still make it out as i kept poking at my face before hearing the sound of the school bell ring through the school grounds which i had noticed when i saw everyone exit their classrooms to go eat and my class seen being hysterical in the distance

It was not taken well as my class kept discussing it in public and very quickly spreaded rumours about it and it being a small town spreaded like wildfire and taken extremely lightly by this stage i found the cause and a way to transport back and forth as chaos quieted down i had taken the paper home and returned afterwards to find my classmates discussing the topic of being powerless in the classroom now that they were back. 

Took awhile for things to go to normal but they did eventually 

Sorry ive been bored of this story for awhile and been wanting to move on im lazy but anyways discontinued

My class in My hero academia  [fanfiction] [discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now