Police station and trust issues

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I just followed the stupid emo bitch in the city while i just stared at them and was debating on sneaking away not like I havent tried that yet but he just assumed i was distracted he didnt realise i was pretending to be distracted so he wouldn't realise i was sneaking away oldest book in the trick as i just stared at a random person at looked familiar

[💭: is that who i think it is-]

Yank i gotten my hair yanked to focus

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That was the events of a few minutes ago i was sat in the police office waiting to deal with the stupid shit thinking back to when that person was buying stuff they looked familiar yet i couldnt pin who..

Mask. White gloves. While in my trance of thought i snapped my finger

"Overhaul maybe...." I jumped when i heard someone ask what i said in the distance

which i shouted back at them "none of your business!"

I just turned my head away and continued to mumble under my breath until i heard someone call me over a policeman with aizawa i was tempted to slap the shit out of the guy for getting me involved with people responsible for my trauma. I just stood up and walked in or atleast my illusion did

Meanwhile my classmates

They were bored and debating on disobeying what i had said before i left som they just rummaged around before finding in the leaf beds clothes folded with a note saying it was from me and a change of clothes as the school ones are uncomfortable

I stood in the police office annoyed and wanting to nap but i wouldn't sleep any longer then half an hour to 2 hours or not at all. I just satred as i waited to begin and repetitively spun sround on the seat i was on fianlly after what i think was half an hour the two idiots entered and and just began to ask me questions expecting some reason i just carelessly answer the questions like my name age why i attacked them but they they got to my quirk which is the last thing ill say thye were feeling stupid and left with no answers in the end. Even the answers they had werent even clear or correctly true

"What is your quirk" i stopped spining on the seat at that question staring blankly "why does it concern you."

"Because i should know as theirs no records of your quirk or you at all"

I scoffed at that and leaned back "fine"

I just spun around abit more before explaining my quirk "its called illusion i can create hyper realistic illusions that can take a physical form and can do anything a physical being can."

I had the two stare blankly but before they spoke i cut them off "but--. Who said i wasnt a illusion"

"What do you mean..."

"Im a illusion im self aware that im one and you are so stupid didn't you realise when i activated my quirk? You are so stupid!" My illusion broke like glass and they freaked out seeing a empty seat and shouted "what the!? Fuck she is gone! We need to find her!"

They ran out the door and a giggling voice was heard as the officers ran out the room

But they never heard me.

It wasn't long till they found me teleporting all along the city across the roofs carelessly like a manic

"Get down here"

Aizawa and many officers were just trying to get me but i kept escaping

Teleporting,shooting fire, hurting them

while they tried to catch me when they did though i vanished.

I had little interest in them and i left them at a broke solution now that thye could not fix they didnt know what was reality and what wasnt

But in reality since your the reader ill explain for you from my perspective shall i?

When i was in the city streets and was staring at overhaul i had been clicking my fingers to see how illusions works once i figured it out i charged up the quirk by repetitively clicking my fingers i created the illusion of me on the roofs. While i was walking. But! What the illusion of me that disappeared in the police station?

It was all staged in the short period i figured out the timing of my quirk

I had quickly caught on to the fact they waited so long so they could see what id do and if i felt tense at all they were also seeing if id show any signs of unease while being asked questions. Now me disappearing in the office may had you confused that was the real me let me explain

The real me was in the office me disappearing was the illusion i made it seem as if the me in the office was the illusion by creating a glass breaking illusions and making me appear invisible so i sent them after the fake. I done it so they wouldnt have any solid infomation on me. With them sent after the fake me i exited and left the police station.

I wont spoil everything.

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