Smarter then what i look

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I laid in a room that was locked connected to a quirk deactivator and just laid there on the floor annoyed and refusing to get up even when told to i had to do a lie detector test as the information my illusion gave may not be true at least there excuse for it being a lie detector

I just was being held by the hair while the lie detector was putted on my hand when it was on my hand i was sitting in a seat and they just started to ask questions

They started with basic questions

"Your name."

"Masquerade" i had lied but it came out as true as i kept my cool


"12 doofus"

"Ill put you upside down again. Anyways quirk."


It came out as false

"Whats your quirk"

I stared blankly annoyed that it said false

"What is it." He just repeated and i stared "none of your business."

I just was told to tell my quirk and for the next ten minutes we argued over why i wasn't to say it until i literally slapped him and he shutted up but definitely fuming

"Little son of a bit-"

I stared at him as he spoke clearly not giving a fuck and i just pulled food out of my pocket before saying "omni--" something but it wasnt hear properly as it was said too fast so he just stared at me "what?"

"Omni---" i said it fast again

And he just made out the word omni but nothing else although the device said each time it was true each time but gave no answers on what was said

Soon we moved on and he asked how i was associated with my classmates

Which i saw as a stupid question "we are classmates."

"Then why are you all living in a fucking alleyway."

"Not your business"

We just had a stare off before i repeated that it wasn't any of his business eventually he exited the room and i could hear him talking to someone outside the room i took the chance and took a nap




I was woken up soaking wet as i saw a water bucket next to me at a policeman right above my head "finally your awake"

"Did you fucking pour water on my head."

I stared at the policeman before attacking them if they did it or not


Time skip:


Me and my classmates were taken to UA temporarily till something was figured out and i just had fucking gloves and cuffs on so i dont fucking try to rip another person's eyes out like i did with the officer although it was normal for me to try i achtully got real close to this time even without my anger issues anymore and my classmates were just following me like ducks and soon we we gotten there they immediately became distracted we were temporarily in the class 1A dorms and they had to keep a eye on everyone my classmates were slightly confused but done whatever meanwhile me and bakugo stared eachother down

Deku and kirishima were just concerned with the staring so they just watched

While aizawa was speaking to the principal

Me and bakugo continued to stare at eachother before he just spoke up saying "why the fuck are you staring at me"

"Because your staring at me"

"Thats why im staring at you."

"Its the same reason for why im staring at you"

(Made 5 whole chapters in 1 day and finsihed a chapter too)

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