Train and heal.

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I had just looked at the bandages on my body while trying to stand and using my arms to help me get around by gripping stuff i was told that when the glass broke it was heard from 1A class alliance and their alliance building is close to ours i was also told the sound of stuff broking was as loud as the siren which made sense as it was a sharp sound and class 1A caught onto the fact that we were more then likely the ones in trouble as it came from our dorm so they alerted the the teachers aka the hero's (same thing.) and just told them and they and their way to our dorm and when they gotten in they found the place in a mess and me exchanging attacks with a villain until they retreated due to being out numbered now.

There were 3 villians. all from the league of villians dabi toga and twice. Were the ones there and so. They took the scythe and used it to see if they could track the villians down while i was unconscious.

Now i was just getting around the place heading to my dorm room where i saw someone had made my bed for me i just went to the bathroom had a look at my wounds burn marks near my shoulder and on my feet and arms atleast it didnt get my face though as it was one of the most vunable parts of my body to fire. I just exited the bathroom leaving the door open turning the light off got in pajama's and got in bed and gone to sleep after that eve if it were day i knew my body would need to focus more on healing me and sleeping would make it easier after all health comes first it always has for me. I and i left my door open too, Incase i had to get up quickly.

Lots of time passed as i woken i just looked at the date not thinking much of it but i did notice it was a early Tuesday it was the weekend before. I gone to sleep

i ended up sleeping almost a full 24 hours although normally id sleep for 2 hours max but my body would take any chance it could.

I just stood up and began heading to the door took a moment for my body to balance its self when i gotten out of my room i saw the dormitory had lights on but no one in the dorms i checked the dorm rooms no one was anywhere but it is school time so id assume they are in class before i realised wait... but they are meant to stay in the dorms and i was right cause as i went to make something to eat i spotted my class in a field in the school grounds with class 1A they seemed to be doing a joint activity

[💭:... yeah sure ill let it fucking slide i just want food.]

I just went ahead and opened the fridge seeing that there was some bread i went and made a simple honey samwich and then closed the fridge to see what my class was doing while i ate my samwich but i did be careful still soon i made it outside the dorm and went to see what they were doing

They were doing dodging and collecting challenges class 1A seemed to be winning by far as my class didn't have sharp sight in general. So i wasn't surprised i just sat down in the floor near where the staff was standing and I definitely caught them off guard like i do with most people as they didnt notice me for half the time i was there before one staff person walked over to the rest going to say something and then they noticed me just staring at my class While sitting there

Watching my class i just watched them collect little bean bag toys that are often used in games like rob the nest they kept going past 5 bean bag's so i point them out to them and they ended up getting ahead by 1 bean bag i just watched the whole training? Thing id assume its training as its a hero school they wouldn't do may games here.

I just watched blankly and got comfortable where i was before seeing someone put the scythe i had previous fought using next to me on the floor i just looked at the scythe and the person before they spoken up

"Ive been told you have a obsession with weapons and violence from your friends and that your good at weapon fighting trust me that you can be responsible with the scythe." I stared although ive only ever used toy sword i specialised in most melee weapons so i just nodded and took the scythe before seeing the person walk away while i looked at the scythe
[hang on story pause okay i started this story like a month ago abandoned it and forgot about wattpad for awhile came back yesterday saw it with #11 in codenames just continued writing it yesturday made 5-7 chapters yesterday and finished one made a few more chapters today accidentally finds out its #6 in Im confuseddddddd this whole thing is confusing i dont fully know what wattpad even works. What next thing ima be #1? I doubt that btu im confused ]
A double sided scythe and pretty too i seemed more like something out of a show..wait what am i thinking we literally teleported into one
[picture reference

I just took that off my mind and focused my eyes on my classmates who were doing games before i stood up using the scythe to gain my balence abit quicker before i faced my class when some member of my class stepped forward to speak to me staring t...

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I just took that off my mind and focused my eyes on my classmates who were doing games before i stood up using the scythe to gain my balence abit quicker before i faced my class when some member of my class stepped forward to speak to me staring they came over and asked me something

"You doing okay?"

A blank question 

"Yes im doing just fine and before you even dare bring it up i am damn aware i slept almost 24 hours" 

"....then i got nothing to tell you about"

Soon after we sorta just sat in the dorms again and most were just raiding the fridge of whatever food there was as it had gotten real cold outside while i was just getting snuggled up on the couch for a movie "hey idiots hurry up ita almost voting time for the movie 

[story pause]

So 5:20 pm thu 16 november i reutrned to continue the story ive been broed lately and uea i updated the dtory now 

before i faced my class when some member of my class stepped forward to speak to me staring they came over and asked me something

"You doing okay?"

A blank question

"Yes im doing just fine and before you even dare bring it up i am damn aware i slept almost 24 hours"

"....then i got nothing to tell you about"

Soon after we sorta just sat in the dorms again and most were just raiding the fridge of whatever food there was as it had gotten real cold outside while i was just getting snuggled up on the couch for a movie "hey idiots hurry up ita almost voting time for the movie 

Was all just made up i had no plans but when i wrtoe iw as snuggled up on the couch i had the thought movie day lol so thats the plan now.


I shouted as they were making some popcorn using the stoveand a frying pan as i set up many cushions we all had in our rooms and some blankets and had a array of movies 

Movie choices to vote on from 

The christmas chronicles 

Heir of the last throne (i made this one up for plot purposes) 


 movies like those 

As my classmates came over with popcorn we began voting for the movies

'All in favor of the movie the christmas chronicals put your hands up' 

5 people put their hands up

'Okay... whoever is in favor of the movie heir of the last throne put your hand up'

No one really knew what the movie was but some putted their hands up saying things like it sounds unique 

And aftet a bit of debating of movies later on we finally chosen a movie 


"You seriously sure we can deal with these kids half of them are chaotic others ones are senseless and then ones fucking on the brink of death yet doesnt sleep! Strong quirks or not we dont know and we seriously dont know what to expect!"

Aizawa shouting to class 1A in annoyance as they wanted to see if the kids can join in some of their lessons  they werent really being listened to 

As they srota stood there nezu came from behind "well we wouldnt know what to expect if we didnt try to find out wouldnt we? And i said that it was fine"

Aizawa stared at nezu before nezu spoken up again "you cant go the principal"

Aizawa just got extremely annoyed "fine but i do not take ANY responsiblity in this matter."

My class in My hero academia  [fanfiction] [discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now