Newly awakened or hidden ability?

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I just now was in detention sitting in a classroom with a few others in detention being monoma,bakugo some girl with green hair and silver eyes also as knifes coming out of her spine with horns and a few other people i was mostly getting weird stares for being almost covered in blood down to the ground and the blood dripping everywhere off the seat onto the floor and just looking like a undead corpse. Tryna just avoid the stares i was doing just looking at how my body hasnt even ran out of blood to function when it should have by now and i still was extrmely numb i couldnt understand this one bit  still i just felt like i would understand exactly how this is happening soon enough. Continuing to be stared at i just had grabbed a cloth to see how deep my wounds are and ended up finding a bone deep wound in my leg and my muscles torn in the one spot i just had a tiny little stone in my leg which i pulled out and a moment after i saw my leg regenerate the hole and muscles inside just come to life and sorta move to their own acord and reconstructed theirselves back to their original state before my skin mimicked it it was deeply disturbing and gross and soon enough the hole had been completely sealed off and the mark left also healed disappearing i was to grossed out at this point but soon enough all my other injuries were the same and completely healed and i no longer felt numb but aching in pain in my arms and legs instead i just passed out. 

I later woken up in the nurses office connected to a device that was holding my blood in a bag "finally woken up?" I just looked up to hear someone voice it was infact the nurse lady and i knew in the near future id be seeing her alot so might as well remember her name "yep im awake... did i pass out?" "Yeah you had too much blood in your system so your brain over stimulated as it wasnt used to healing so fast" " quirk might have to deal with my blood then.." "well when you are fine to go back please give your teacher this note and id inform the teachers to update your files on your quirk as it hasnt seemed to been putted on there." "Okay.. and how long do i gotta wait here? Or am i fine to go now" "you should be fine to go but if any reprocussions occur please come back as soon as possible." "Okay."

I just sat up and began to move my limbs around they weren't aching anymore so that would have been from too much blood flowing around at once just looking around i saw my shoes on the floor right beside the bed i just bent down to grab them before sitting back on the bed and putting them on doing the laces up i noticed i wasnt in school uniform anymore "where did the uniform go?" "It was soaked in blood so we had to remove them and swap them out so they could get cleaned. They will be in your dorm when you get back."


I just stood up and looked at the device that had the bloodbag that was now taken off before i had exited now into the halls i saw it was the middle session of the next classes  with class 1A and 1B outside on the field doing training i just focused on going to the dorms though as i slid past the training without interrupting anything

Soon enough in my dorm i reached the door and just entered just found some pink haired girl with equipment in my room immediately recognised as mei that annoying fucker "and what are you doing in my room" i wasn't happy having uninvited guests over i just had mei face me seeing her holding my scythe she just held it in plain sight "what are you doing with my scythe."

"Hello Masquer-" "answer my question." "Fine fine skipping the introduction." "Good now why are you in my room and holding my scythe" "i thought that your scythe could use a little upgrade for combat as you just joined UA" "that is a dead no your not using it for nothing."

"Bu-" "no." "But you cou-" "I SAID NO."

I grabbed the scythe and kicked her out of the dormitory of which she just responded by calling me a party pooper and leaving while I went ahead and made sure she didnt do nothing to my room i found my window unlocked and locked it shut.


Location: league of villains base.

"Shigaraki. You know That girl we targetted."

"What is it about her being cool like you say about every person associated with class 1A"

Shigaraki was not interested in what toga had to say in the current time 

"...she joined the hero course.." "oh great and what about it"

Dabi was in the background drinking achohol before toga even spoke but coughed it up at her next mention "she is immortal..."

"Im sorry what?!" 

Back to my pov

I was just figuring out my quirk as aswell as watching the news as i found out that witnesses of my immortality spreaded the news to social media and now people knew and were giving unwanted attention online at the same time there was a villain attacking local and killing some heros as they couldn't seem to detain the villain or get real close on a different news channel watching it i was tryna figure out why the fuck i even jumped but i actually zoned out and forgot the ledge was there so that was my answer i had written down on paper as i looked at the screen of the tv i just was continuously staring into it before just getting up eyeing the screen still i was actually more then ever curious on how i didn't get house arrest but unquestioned for now as i just grabbed a scythe to see how fighting someone would go experience or no experience i just exited the dorm watched the news as i went to the location it was downtown and alot closer then i expected... found it out the hard way as when i did look up from the screen i just had already made it to the scene meaning it wasn't far as i had now just putted my stuff on a bench and took my shoes off not a moment later i was just eyeing them before actually going after them to see if i can land a hit on the villain specifically the back spine where they would be immobilised but not killed probably i didnt have a full plan of action so it was swinging and dodge disappear reappear swing again round and round over and over till the fight was over after that i just looked at the dead heroes and first thought called the hospital and told them to come help them with getting to the hospital and abruptly hung up waiting for them to arrive meanwhile i checked for pulse a few were long gone but definitely could be saved still with a specific type of quirk but i didnt know what to expect this world is more high tech then mine

Looking forward at the mess i decided id get going as the ambulances were arriving i grabbed my scythe and belongings and left 

I ended up leaving the scene and returning to many news stations at the school of which i just slid right past through the other end of the school gates getting me inside the building i immediately ran to the dorms before being spotted by anyone and my classmates werent doing anything major they just seemed to be doing whatever this routine now was getting boring so i just went to the couch before sorta going to sleep

My class in My hero academia  [fanfiction] [discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now