Disturbed mission

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Deku and urakaka were just mapping the place

Right after bakugo had hung up the coversation on them through the earbuds

"Ready to go.."

"Im betitng on money that bakugo wont go a minute without blowing something up"


"Sorry i just need the money!"

"Nows not the timeeee"

"Whatever just moving on. I got a air view of the place 4 storie and roughly 10 rooms each floor"

"Thats close to UA's size"

"Yeah but what now bakugo just hung us up"

"I guess do what we were assigned?"

"Okay... ill see if theres a entrance in the rooftops."

"Im going below i can see a crawlspace"

Btoh delu and urakaka had putted their conversation on mute for the time being before taking their places and entering

Deku went below as he entered the small crawl space and dragged himself around and then found a entrance door in the floor a vent which he just opened and entered before moving down the empty hall just before a door infront of him opened he had to hide behind the door as some villains entered and they just walked right past deku who had disappeared down the hall and knocked out some other villains that had seen him beforehand before urakaka had spoken in the call "deku.."

Deku was caught off guard as urakaka had spoken "give me a moment please"


Deku had gone somewhere secluded where no villians or cameras were

"Okay sorry about that what is it urakaka?"

"The villains know we are here..."

"What? How?"

Deku had just looked back and forth down the haLl he was in making sure he couldnt be spotted from anywhere "how did they find out"

"Well you know eariler"

"Yeah what about it.."

"They found bakugo.."

"oh no.."


Bakugo just was restrained in a seat just tryna speak his opinion on the situation out of spite although being gagged in the current situation while many villains just guarded the room while AFO was looking at some camera's and pressing buttons while surveilling the cameras it took awhile for anything to really progress any futher in the situation as bakugo was just being muffled and his silva sticking to the gag as it was stuck in his mouth and he was tryna just remove it with his knees and those werent restrained it was taking his many attempts but he finally did and immediately spitted on the gag when he threw it on the floor

"You fucking son of a bitch release me"

Bakugo was staring at afi while afo was staring st the cameras and completely ignoring bakugo altogether while bakugo just demanded to be released in the background pf the scene afo had located urakaka and deku on the cameras and just had spoken through a microphone that came through speakers in the facility


Deku was sneaking before he heard a loud beep


Deku jumped as he heard afo's voice acknowledge his prescence but he couldnt spot any cameras

"We have bakugo"

Afo just continued but in the background bakugo was screaming his head off heard to be dealing with other villain's

"Keep the fuck away!"

Could be heard down the halls as afo just was saying that he would give the heros a few days to hand over OFA or bakugo would be transformed into a nomu or something while he screamed in the background

"Well lets face it you arent good at being stealthy are you?"

A voice had came through urakaka's earbud all of the sudden before it cut off again while they listened to AFO speaking and deku told urakaka that they needed to retreat and get the pro's which they just discussed over the earbud before it cut off and villains just appeared left and right around deku. While on bakugos end

AFO was holding his chin while he had another gag in his mouth so bakugo would be quiet and listen to what was to be said afo's other hand was holding bakugos legs still as he was kicking at AFO while some other villains were behind the seat and doing stuff to the back of the seat sounds of chains could be heard before the villians were just seen lifting some chains and giving them to AFO as he then picked bakugo up over his shoulder and took him somewhere which immediately resulted in bakugo just going at it with the kicking again but instead getting his head hit into a wall some minutes after and a key entering a keyhole somewhere before bakugo getting dragged around again and tied to some device inside a chamber which closed behind him on the inside while he was tryna just fight back the key was heard enteirng the keyhole again and moving before being taken out and bakugo just being left alone in a chamber room with many nomu's also in there in other chambers. Beside him while he tried to bust the door down with his body weight by hitting the floor each time before trying his quirk which was extremely nullified in the chamber room he was literally doing anything he could think of to get out before sitting down on the floor just waiting now.








"The fuck you mean he got captured!?"

I stared infuriated as i overheard a conversation in class 1A dorm while my class had been visiting their dorm while i was interrupting a conversation between deku and urakaka which they only revealed it when they slipped up when i asked about bakugo's location

I was planning to torment him mentally with disturbing facts i knew but immediately got pissed off when i found out he was captured i just was now persisting over the location of the facility when they tried to change my mind they would answer anything and just eventually ran away from me until the visit was over and i just asked the teachers about the previous mission making aure id figure ahit out before i went to deal with it myself they werent really sure what i meant so i had just went to sleep like normal to see if id get some insight from my future sight ability







The facility was just pitch black outside the chamber which only had a dull blue light at the top which left bakugo praying for it to stop flickering when it was doing so as it was barly enough to provide light for the chamber bakugo was in as outside the chamber it had nothing but creepy looking eyes images outside atleast its what it sorta looked like but it was just bakugo entering paranoid mode and just gripping the back of the chamber thinking that if he didn't acknowledge the creepy images that they would disappear well that worked for 15 minutes before bakugo heard the chamber door open behind him and he felt something cover his eyes which cuased him to freak out when he felt his head get pulled backwards when he tried to defend himself it was just him getting his wrists grabbed in response and just him screaming for the next while afterwards before something was out in his mouth and then he was letted go from over the eyes he had gotten some toast putted on his mouth before he was lifted in the air by the wrists and dropped immediately making him hit the chambers wall face first and drop the toast which hit the floor along with his arm before he heard the chamber door behind him close before the place entered darkness again and bakugo fell asleep

I didnt have any ideas on what they do so i just wrote nomu and i worte or something as a clue that i dunno

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