Temporary plans

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We ended up coming to a agreement i wont attack anyone and ill help them in the hero course and they will deal with my classmates by putting them in their own dorms we gotten a different dorm building so my classmates wouldn't be a pain D4 dorm alliance building is the one we would stay in i just led my class in saying we will be staying in such and such building before showing them then i went to find my dorm room and immediately i saw my stuff "nice." I just looked through my bag to see everything i owned in there and that there were seperate bathrooms for each dorm i exited my dorm as my classmates were looking around 

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"Theirs some new student and they brought some friends~" 

A voice said from a distance of a light blue haired man 

"New student hm?" 

"Probably some useless bickering child" another person spoke up 

"Its a girl and they are so cute" 

"Stop simping for everyone idiot." 

"Pathetic" the blue haired person just called someone while standing up "kirigiri get me the student files." Before walking away leaving the other two alone in a dark abandoned room a door had closed and reopened with someone else entering a masked guy in a suit walking past the other two "new student at UA?" The guy just sat down as someone at a bar desk walked in with the same blue haired guy from earlier "well look at that there is a new student one with a good quirk...a dangerous quirk" 


"God,your hostile"

"And it will stay that way" 

there was a verbal argument between me and monoma when i was filling out some stupid papers to prove that i wouldn't kill everyone monoma of which went to visit these new "students" and was outside the window of my dorm way below my dorm balcony as i stared at him with the middle finger in the air "now what do you want." 

I stared down at him from where i stood "i came to meet the new students" he just said as a excuse and i just smiled and responded "I wouldn't." Before my smile disappeared and i entered the dorm closing the balcony door behind me i then returned to signing the paperwork that says  i agree to the conditions of not attacking the students. I wrote 

Masquerade the name i go by in this world down but knew i didnt have to follow the rule as it wasnt my real name so i wasn't obliged to follow it soon i handed it in to nezu and just went to look around in the dorms to see mostly chaos but my classmates seemed to be getting their act together thouh some tried to make food but couldnt get the stove to turn on "does anyone know now to work this?" 

I just walked over and turned it on before putting the stove pot on it "there you go." I then walked off again 


Hostile,manic, already involved in a fight.... and a powerful and dnagerous quirk...

A perfect person to recruit as a villain and they are bound to swap easily..."

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"Toga... twice." The blue haired man said looking up from the papers "go find out more information on our target they may just be what we need in the league"

Toga snd twice just both faced shigaraki as he showed a picture of the target on the files....


In the meantime someone had gotten their hands on a gun happening to be me 

"...wait but why would a gun be on the floor....fully loaded too..."

I just was hearing shouting in the background before walking to the teachers "why is there a gun?" 

".....good question" one of the adults just took it from me and i took off to go back to doing my own thing 

Now in my room i was looking in a mirror and removing the bandages a mark right down my face and off the side abit at the nose it was still mostly red and the bandage covered in blood i went to go wash it...

Cleaning the scar and bandages i put the bandages to dry to the side befroe i putted some more fresh ones on and exited the room once again grabbing some food to eat for dinner that i had priorly buyed before we ended up here i just ate out of the box of food and left some on thr counter for my classmates before i headed off to bed i just locked my door turned the light off closed my blinds turned my bedside nightlight on (teleported the nightlight here)and went to sleep...

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