Easier then planned

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I had just gotten up to see my window wide open and a random gun at my window getting out of bed i jumped out to my feet and stared at the gun ". . ." I just turned away from it and went to go get dressed and go do my own stuff as i now could without keeping a eye on my class getting some causal clothes on i left my room and closed the door behind me grabbed a packet of chips and left the dormitory buildings and off the property now walking around the city with a packet of chips in the middle if a crowd i just walked around aimlessly arrived at a park and gone on the swings with music

.... Stayed there for 2 hours just doing whatever before i saw some other kids arrive and run to the playset i just went back to my music as i had edit audios playing as i just went high on the swing soon i gotten off and just started to climb the climbing set on the playset ended up On thr top of the playset and jump jumping around leaping looking at the day it was the weekend and i didn't bother with it i just jumped around later on i went to wait at a traffic light as there were crowds again all waiting i just heard obnoxious tapping of people being impatient then when the light turned green for the pedestrians i just walked onto the zebra crossing along with the rest of the people.

Walked around wandering aimlessly through the city walking around i just came across the sound of rummaging down in a alleyway i just walked past thinking [💭 nopenopenopenopenope.]

A moment later i passed a young man trying to find directions before they asked me and i walked straight past them thinking [💭 not stupid.] i soon came across a news paper in a new agency and looked at it

Criminal on the loose

Contagious infection discovered by scientists spreading throughout japan avoid the sound of infected victims laughing the infection currently causes unknown actions but has done stuff from turning people into animals to swapping quirks. But currently no danger has been discovered expect for its rapid spreading

I stared at the paper and just continued reading before putting it down and leaving to go back to UA entering the property i saw someone in the distance on the floor shaking, twitching and turning on the floor uncontrollably although i couldn't figure out who it was i just walked over to the person and lifted them up to see their face the person was monoma and he just was staring at me before his skin turned purple i just stared at him some more before i just dragged him into a room and locked him in there "deceased bitch." Before turning away and leaving i just ended up walking down the halls and later saw my classmates playing just dance competing eachother

The girls mostly winning but some boys managed to every now and then i just walked ocer to see which on they were playing the skeleton song on just dance it was plain but interesting meanwhile i just stared as i had walked now i was in a different area of the dorms and i had seen some stupid shit yet extremely bored except for wandering around thinking back on the gun i just dismissed the thought and soon i had made my way to the training room and just looked around as id be fighting people here tommorrow i was still extremely bored so i just went and deicded to hand make wooden weapons to play with as i exited again


They are so cute"

"Stop simping you idiot."

Two people in a distance had just been watching everyone in the dormitory for the past half an hour ine holding a weapon in hand a scythe like item "why have we been provided this shit."

"Capture them ofcourse.. the illusionist is the target of the weapon." One of the people had just smiled before jumping out of a tree followed by the other





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