How this started

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I was coughing over and over as I looked around trying to catch my breath shooting my head up to look around I saw that the surroundings had changed it was so sudden that it set me off and my body hurt to the point where I was suffering from a parched throat it was anything new to me but the teleporting sure was I finally was able to collect myself getting to my feet as I looked around I checked every direction only one way out as I looked the opposite way seeing ever so farmilar classmates of mine it took a minute for my memory to recall them as I stared to stare I saw just about almost everyone besides from some I hated looking at them as they gained balance and a upright standing stance like I did a few minutes ago they just stared

"What th-" 

I stared as one of them spoken "WHERE ARE WE?!"

They all began freaking out I didn't expect anything less 

Shouting a majority of things like


And such as I just quietly stared I could already tell what teleported us I just turned away 

Due to my dry throat my was sore so in a raspy voice I just said "calm down" 

They just all turned to me "who are you!?" 

Most of my classmates backed away from me staring at me like as if I were a stranger I just stared before looking at myself "the hell.. my appearance changed"

One of my classmates just shouted over the top of me shouting something along the lines of who are you although I didn't hear exactly what they said 

I just said "it's me Lillian you ignorant idiots my appearance just changed" 

I just stared blankly " are we going to find out where we are or what?"

My classmates were just staring in silence before who I hated the most just said-

"Alright fine but I'm in charge" 

I just stared unamused "no you won't"

They just gave me a stare before shouting "WHAT YOU GONNA-"

Cut off with me shouting "SILENCE"

They were used to my natural hostile outbursts "I'm in charge now follow me and don't go against it"

Staring some just nodded while some freaked out still while one of my classmates had wings flapping them around "what the." "Oh yeah and we may be a anime but keep up" 

I just walked out of the alleyway around a corner as I heard some of them shout "I'm sorry WHAT!?"

I sorta didn't even bother as we all had forms making us appear slightly older then we are as I left them behind they one by one caught up running to me as I just led us somewhere else walking through a filled city of people doing magic? I immediately recognised where we are when I saw a poster on a wall staring "my hero academia" was said under my breath as I stared at the poster I just walked towards picking it of the city light pole it was taped to To look at it which my actions caught to attention of my classmates well some of them the rest already began fighting again "ughhhhh I don't got the time for this"

I told myself followed by grumbling to myself "this is going to be a long day" before I flicked the poster in my hand so it would straighten up as I read it (like that flick you do with newspapers) 

Reading it outloud to myself "UA entrance exam...don't tell me we are here—-"


I just stared at the poster screaming internally just turning away from the poster turning to my class tos ee they were being scolded "the fuck happened?"

I just walked over "okay what happened" 

I approached a police man who was shouting at my class stopping right next to them "excuse me" waiting for a response I got none as he was too busy scolding my class I waited and got abit annoyed after awhile I just coughed loudly "I'm trying to speak to you cut some slack from shouting at my classmates will you" I finally gotten there attention when my arms were crossed before I uncrossed them "what did they do."

I had impatience in my tone staring at them with quite to annoyance the only response i got 

"why does it concern you kid" I just continued staring "these are my classmates" 

I just was stared at again while I continued staring at them "answer my question"

I just had them back off after awhile leaving without even explaining what my class did "okay whatever just completely ignore my questions cunt"

I flipped them off as I saw them leave before turning to my class "what the fuck did you do"

I just had the class stare at me "you gonna speak up or do you want me to force it out of you"

I just had them look at one another "uhm we have powers?"

I just raised my eyebrows "is that seriously all did you hurt someone"

I just got stares again before one nodded stepping forward  "uh I knocked out Matilda"

I stared ".....nice one" just giving them a thumbs up with a smug look "I hate her"

I then just had them calm down before I looked for Matilda "where is she though"

The classmate of mine that stepped up just said "you standing on her" 


I looked down "fuck I am" 

I then stepped of Matilda's back "oh and Lincoln"


"Don't be a idiot and that next time oh and we are going to do code names as I'm not having my real name get revealed...anyone wanna chose a code name for themselves"

I just had a bunch of the immediately think deep

Lincoln:I'll go with storm"

"Knew you would do something like that" 

Katie: rose?"

"Sure and these are the names you'll go by while we are here"

Jakaya: white flame very random but I can't think of anything" 


"Mhmmm do the rest of you wanna say yours?"

"Can we keep them our normal names cuase I don't see why we must hide them"

"All good and my code name will be masqurade"

(Time skip when we figure everything out and calm down) 




Half an hour later I was standin on some roofs while my class was being chaotic below me on the floor acting like animals nothing new from the daily though just staring at some thugs in a alleyway Before looking down at my class "okay you idiots what are your quirks"

Looking down I was ignored so I decided to leap down so I did just that I jumped onto the ground inamong my classmates "listen up."


My class in My hero academia  [fanfiction] [discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now