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Changed title twice

Original: Neko,neko,kneecaps

Changed versoin: Neko,neko,neeeeecaps.

And then changed it again to whats above set as title i dont know why i imagined deku saying neko like questioning it then bakugo shouts that in the background out of anger that if deku doesnt shut up he will rip his bed up as cat do such ]


Ight back on track with the story


Bakugo had screamed when he saw he had little white paws instead of hands but he only freaked out even more when he saw a tail connected to his back right where he felt the crack lowered to lay against the ground bakugo just looked in the reflection again getting up and running over to the mirror and grabbing it he looked at his own reflection and it did not help with the freaking out he also had bits of hair around his ears go white and poke out and his nose was tipped with pink at the end of it it even shrinked slightly and his pupils just turned large circles as he looked at his reflection

(Finally i can do the quirk incident ideas lol stuck debating on if his feet should turn to paws)

There wasnt any way that bakugo was turning into a neko but it sure seemed like it as he would even flex his new cat paws and claws would appear from inbetween while he also had pawpads

Luckily his feet didnt turn to paws either and his shoes remained but he knew in some stage his feet would be next bakugo just continued to freak out and even began crying out of frustration while cursing it didnt even take a minute till AFO literally sent a nomu in there to find out what the living hell the fuss was about so when the nomu did enter they both had a stare off before the nomu went to grab bakugo which resulted in him screaming gibberish and when AFO saw bakugo as a almost full on neko his reaction was priceless

[okay screwing canon AFO here as i dunno how he would react in reality honestly so just im doing it my way]

Afo and bakugo juts had a stareoff while a nomu had held bakugo against the floor of the room

Afo didnt even speak he just stared before taking a picture of bakugo as a neko

"Hey what the fuck are you doing!?" Bakugo just was silent until he shouted that

(oh btw bakugo still had all five fingers just catafied although cats have three-four)

Afo just sent the picutre to someone before he literally walked right up to bakugo's face

And bent down to see him better "you turned into a neko?"

"Im not a neko! a cat..." bakugo's voice slightly shifted in the second part to something more quiet when he spoke

"Thats quite literally what a neko is."

"Shut upp"

Bakugo faced away now looking at the nomu that was holding his back down against the ground before just clawing at them and afo just staring....




Son of a fucking bitch! Let gooooo"

Bakugo was being took somewhere by the nomu over the shoulder either kicking or scartching which just healed and didnt do much as the nomu just had enhanced healing making it almost impossible to do any long term damage while he was complaining and whining afo had went ahead of them and just opened a door up and walked in of which many sounds of people speaking were heard

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