"Second day"

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It remained empty and quiet in the chamber room early the next morning with a awake bakugo tryna just figure out his surroundings outside the chamber but the darkness and the blue tint made it almost impossible unless a light would turn on which none did when bakugo just banged on the walls the quietness just continue before bakugo was greeted with a extremely bright light that blinded him for a solid minute "what the fuck!?" The light had shined right in bakugos eyes making him have to adjust his eyes and even before he did he heard his chamber open up and just be grabbed by the hair before he could respond when he could see though he could see a room with a syrical table and other objects like a vent system or syringes and tubes on response bakugo immediately set his explosives off hitting the person holding him... AFO got hit and immediately pushed bakugo head down on the table it was unexpected but didnt really stop bakugo as he continued the explosions until he was later forced to lay down by being restrained with shackles while AFO just stood in the background not much longer it all went silent and dark yet bakugo didnt pass out nor did he lose his senses as he was very much aware of his surroundings and feeling of poking at his skin


"So hows he doing right now is it going to plan."

"Learn some patience shigaraki i know you wanna see if you can find a new way to destroy the hero's but it fucking takes time" shigaraki and dabi were laying on a couch just tryna deal with the fact that for some reason kurigiri had hit them both with water to stop them from destroying the room while toga slept oh twice's back they both knew damn well its bad when the friendly ones get hostile although they never really witnessed it with twice they just see him as a innocent simp for toga, it was toga who would be the problem if she woken up or got angry meanwhile shigaraki was just all bark no bite and was just a gamer who had nothing better to do then be childish atleast in dabi's eyes thats how everyone was.

The room was just in silence besides from the sounds of shigaraki fidgeting with the controls on his remote tryna beat someone in a online fighting game so he was doing lots of tapping in the background while dabi just watched shigaraki's game over his shoulder

"Wow you sure are losing"

"Dont even push it dabi"

"What you are."

"And your gonna lose your life at this point"

"You both already did no shut up before i unstaple your face and make you disingrate your game unintentionally"

Toga had woken up and was now holding a knife while laying in twices arms


I had been keeping myself busy as urakaka and deku were explaining what occured and what the villains wanted i just was making a samwich for myself and taking notes

"You two arent good at anything you dont need to face them head on why dont i show you how its done ill figure my quirk out and then go"

I had looked up at the two who had fiddled with their fingers for the lasting conversation that we had left off from yesterday by this stage aizawa had found out and spoke with other teachers about it while i was already ahead of them i went to my dorm room and just closed the door behind me looking around at the slightly messy room from a rough sleep of anticipation and irritation i had a black bag on a desk with piles of books and paper stacked up one another some drawings some other things coding for ai characters and alike next to the bag but i was only after the bag for now i just grabbed it and looked around my cupboard i had msotly black clothes but my flowly black pants that were open at the front were my best pick best for quick and agile movements and sprinting as i cant run i can only go from jogging straight to sprinting so running didn't exist for me and naturally i always am sprinting i then also grabbed a sleeveless fish neck shirt also black so my arms can move freely so all my limbs could bend as much as needed after all i was very much animal like and discovered therians the day before we teleportation which explained alot about that end of things i also just grabbed a mask and some shoes of mine

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