Meeting hero's in training

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I sorta just sat on a bench as my class was doing whatever as I was asked to stay that the scene as I was going to be questioned as some of my classmates were giving a recount on what happened from when Matilda was asleep to her so she can know I just sorta played with my tooth wriggling it around as I've had half a tooth in my mouth for awhile now after the other half fell out because the under tooth pushed the tooth bits out after I broken it I sorta just stared into the air while doing it until hearing approaching as some hero looking adults came over one looking emo and some others that I recalled from the anime I just sorta looked up at them as they stopped infront of me and bent down to my head height right infront of me I sorta just looked at them before one spoken up "are you the kid that got in a fight with a villain"

I stared "yep."

I just responded quickly without a care

I just spent the next half an hour then answering the questions the heros asked till they asked me some other stuff

"Have you tried the entrance exam this year"

I stared "you mean the UA exam?"


"No I haven't"

We sorta exchanged looks before they asked if I wanted to join UA

I sorta faced them then my class "....I would but I got them to deal with"

I pointed at my class "I gotta protect these idiots and such crap" I sorta just looked up at the hero's before they said something along the lines of "well if we could find a place to keep them safe would you join then?"

I just stared inside thinking of stuff "somewhat probably"

I just spoken to the heros and they eventually told me that they'd like to speka at the polcie station once ive healed which i agreed to knowing full well i do not know where the station is then i just dsimissed the conversation and left to go to my classmates as they got in a verbal agurment walking over i slapped their heads "shut the fuck up will you."




It was way later in the day we already gotten in a battle i was just out getting food cause only i had money on me.... and my stuff actually teleported theirs didnt.

But as we walked around the city we just kept getting weird looks from passabyers as my classmates follow me with all their nosie and chitter chatter they would make as i just read a map trying to fucking navigate until i just stopped at a traffic light in a crowd of people while the light was red i turned to face my class "listen up you shits."

They just quieted down slightly as some gone to face me "no wandering off we can easily get lost as its rush hour and stay focused ph and if anyone knocks matilda out your carrying her not my problem if you do or if she is too heavy. Oh and boys pay attention! I can hear you back there dont make me tie you with a rope to stay with the group!" I was stared at by my class now everyone was fully focused and i faced forward waiting at the lights the traffic was harsh but after a little bit it finally turned green i led my class through the crowd of walking people it was loud and chaotic as my class all held hands we ended up getting on the other end but some of the idiot boys blabbered while walking and the light went red and they walked too slow so i just yanked them before everyone moved on we went to a shopping area and i made my class wait for me near a eating area as i went to buy a medkit for msyelf and them later on as the bandaids i had weren't gonna last forever even if washable when i entered the shop alone ijust walked around and had roughtly 10 people noticing me each minute some even whispering gibberish but i did hear "villain attack" get thrown around quite abit in their pointless whispering as i could hear them damn easily

I just had found some medkits a full pack with everything id ever need and it was small enough the carry in a bag damn light too. I also noticed a to go pack of food that was on sale with a big price drop and a decetn amount of food "haha i always got good fortune" i grabbed 2 packs and went to a self serve counter and just scanned the medkit and food 🍱 still learning money well i just went with the 50$ note and got 20$ back as change i then picked up my medkit and left thr store ofcourse not without more non-sense being heard when i returned to my class i saw a adult was assisting them asking them questions and looking rather annoyed as i heard the conversation the adult appeared to be a hero and was annoyed when they said i had left it seemed like the adult assumed i was a adult but he was also confused as everyone was speaking over eachother i returned and put the stuff i got on the tabel everyone was sat at "im back and look i got some food they had it on sale for a extremely low price"

I just saw as the adult satred at me dead asleep as my classmates looked happy and each took abit of the Japanese food there was sushi(not sushi i frogot what its called...wait is it sushi? Oh i dont fricking know omigiri or smth.) which luckily i knew everyone liked as it was a favorable food where we are from but not had often they just ate it and shared it around little did they know i grabbed two packs one for later or emergencies when the food gone all around there was still abit left over so i said whoever is hungry still can have seconds but everyone was agreeing that it shpuld be saved so i closed the pack up and put it in my bag with the backup and medkit before i saw the adult staring at me still " gonna speak or something....weirdo."

I just began to walk off as my class quickly followed behind me as we exited the eating place now we saw how it was beginning to get dark out and it was brightly lit with lights i just still continued to lead my class somewhere and we came to a alleyway it had a broken ish fence but i didnt care as we just passed it and i began to dig a hole which formed into a burrow rather quickly as i out the bag down in the hole "we are resting here."

My classmates looked at me slightly grossed out and paranoid "you coming we arent gonna be sleeping like cats in a vulnerable and clear sighted area with no shelter be grateful."

I just signalled to come in before i just grabbed some large leafs their were on the trees outside the alleyway the leaves were roughly the size of a child so i put them down like a bed and a few over soon the class was in the burrow some sleeping others chatting as i made a oight for outside the hole it felt way to easy tonight despite the coldness but the burrow prevented us from freezing over as i just grabbed rubbish from the alleyway and began to burn it old style i just had gotten it done fast and i watched the smoke enter the air as i sat on a human sized leaf it was warm and my classmates quickly sat around the fire to have their conversations there as i snuck away making sure no one was outside the alleyway i then returned and said to the other students "im going to bed its way past my cerfew please do get some sleep and make sure to put the fire out too i expect you to be in the leaf beds in two hours."

My class in My hero academia  [fanfiction] [discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now