The night.

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I expect you to be in bed in two hours."

Last thing i said last night before i went to bed

"Fucking dark"

First thing i said when i woke up to see someone shaking me awake in a frantic manner


I woken from my sleep to my class hiding in the burrow some freaking out and others crying as one of my classmates woken me i sat up and stared at the almost pitch black burrow and the slinguar small flame of a pile of dead leaves to provide light

It was nice to wake up to warmth for once as i gently pushed my classmates off of me to see them tearing up i just quietly asked "what?"

Immediately responded with "there's someone outside." In a shakey tone i stared with slight conern as i got out of my leaf bed taking a leaf off my legs and picking up a small lantern before peeking my head out the burrow

My classmates were correct someone was outside i just could hear some kicking and people calling for kids which id assume my classmates it was still dark out and the sun hadn't rised but i could see without the laterns light i just crawled out of the burrow and in a haste walked towards the shouting of 2 strangers

I was greeted with two men standing with weapons but they never noticed me so i took the chance to take the first hit considering they were unaware of me yet.

I just grabbed the peoples throats from behind and immediately heard the sounds of them chocking before i felt my hand get set on fire and i kicked them away out if the grasp of my hands i immediately putted the burning flame out by time i did they were already on their feet

Staring at each other i just held the lantern up to see their faces i realised it was that man from the other day that was with my class but just now he burnt my hand so i wasnt going to be kind but as soon as i saw him back away and hold something i swung my lantern at them the other guy still unidentified as of now i was more focused on the one with something in their hands i just stared at them with the lantern before i swung it again and the handle broke the lantern hit the floor and the fire providing the light spreaded to outside the lantern across the floor seperating both sides of the fight i couldnt get past the fire to the people and they couldnt get to me as we all backed away from the fire that was flaring up i just stared as i backed away when it set fire to the floor it ended up going out when the second person released a strong blast of ehat and knocked the fire off the ground releasing it into the air as i then jad to dodge a punch the man had sent at my head i managed to bend my head back to avoidmit but lost my balance so i just rolled to the side on the floor and attacked the guy with a headbutt as i just could do that better then anything else but i did also forget i had bandages or a gaping stich across the middle of my face so it ended up hurting me more then them so i just elbowed the people in the mouth and knocked them off their feet like they did with me before i had to avoid another punch from the second guy but none of us could even see a damn thing so we just tripped over eachothers feet and i heard a loud crash in the distance i then felt something sharp make contact with my hands feeling the item i stared as realisation hit [💭: A KNIFE!] i also saw the sun connect with the horizon meaning it was soon to be day but then i heard another sound and immediately swung the knife in the direction of the knife and i hit one of the people with the knife in the leg and arm in one go as i ducked out of the way of them falling from the knife





Day came and i was dead asleep in the nick of time of daylight while the people were tied up outside together i didnt get really hurt just burnt on the hand leaving a minor burn but that seemed to of solved itsself while i was fighting my classmates were just doing their usual bullshit again while some stared at the people but were told to keep away from them and to ask questions from a distance....

I remained dead asleep for just under 2 hours before exiting the burrow to see complaining about shit my class were either doing normal stuff they would or basic child arguments but i knew some were hungry so i pulled out the food from the other day and just gave it to them which everyone just ended up gathering around and eating before i looked at the two strangers from last night glaring at me as they had tape over there mouths i just wondered who done that bit before i walked over and crouched down to their head height and took the tape off them "Start speaking." I gotten glares from the two before one of them spoken up "what are we meant to fucking explain your the one who should be explaining why you attacked us." I stared as the two responded "you better tell me who you are." I just kicked one of them in the arm before going back to what i was doing "what are your names."

The teo continued staring before one spoken up


I stared "bro what in the fuck." "Thats why you looked farmilar your the bitch who looks like my dad no wonder i kept wanting to kill you.."

I gotten weird stares from them "anyways back on topic.... Who would you be" i stared at the other guy who was also tied up

" hair speak up."

I just gone and .provoked the guy to get a answer and i gotten the answer i wanted


I stared and laughed as he shouted "so fucking gullible."

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