Behind the curtain

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[title name changed]

I am not responsible for anything in this manner!"

I heard it from the dorms in the middle of the introduction of the movie where we were being introduced to lisa who had to compete for her place in the royal family and throne against her sister Ali and was just neglected the whole time

"Next time you break the glass ill be sure to get you back!" Just was coming from the movie as i stood up and excused myself out of the room slipping away from my classmates without any issue


The sound the door made closing behind me was loud and annoying as i exited the dormititory

And headed to the sound i heard of shouting as i exited the dorm rooms and walked in the coldness outside heading to where i could hear the noise arriving at class 1A's dormatory "..the sound is coming from inside..."

I just pushed the door open it was bright inside the opposite of my dorm as it was often lights off in general i just entered closing the entrance door behind me making my way to the floor where i could hear the shouting i gotten up to see fighting in the common room where i sorta peeked my head around a corner to look in seeing class 1A observe as aizawa and nezu arugued over something to do with my class i just notcied the farmilisrty of it from my childhood and aizawa being a almost identical but emo versoin of my irl father didnt make it any better as he was normally the issue in my childhood i just onlooked the whole noise before stepping in i banged the entrance wall where i stood


It was a loud sound my hand made on contact with the doorframe when i hitted it i had all eyes on me and the coversation quiet now "can you be more quiet? Someone who looks like a ripoff copycat of my dad fighitng with a damn mouse is not something i need to ehar during a movie day in my dorm." I then turned away and left without any more words not even letted them response as i just could feel the tension in the room poke at the air around me but fade quite quickly on me leaving

I just exited and headed back to my dorm entering pitch black t the entrance i walked through the dorm and saw the movie was halfway through with most of the class just fighting over some of the blankets there were i just sat back dwon to continue watching the movie but i was also taking the chance to nap sothats what i did i jumped onto the lounge got umder the blanket and just laid there

I had planned to continue laying on the couch and watch the movie but i just had fell asleep in a flash when i had later woken up it was just all silent and i had saw nightfall was just simply approaching and my classmates arguing in the background once more something to do with heros. While i had gotten up i noticed i had like 5 blankets on me as they fell of my head revealing a bird nest just at the very back of my hair though. Watching my classmates i over heard the agurement

Matilda was aguring with everyone as everyone argued with eachother

Matilda: im better off then anyone here with the hero role so what do you mean only one of us get to participate!

Jakaya: shut the fuck upppppp

"Would everyone shut the living fuck up no one here is going to be getting in dangerous battles we arent going to stay in this world now someone help me deal with my bandages."

I was standing where everyone was standing while balancing on one foot to tie up a bandage on the other foot while i stared down at the ground and just putted my foot down "and whats all this fighting about and why does half of you have red marks on your body like what? Who the heck scratched eachothers face."

My class in My hero academia  [fanfiction] [discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now