My version of peaceful-backroad chaos

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We had last left off going over a hill and arguing and now had found ourselves up at 6am and had walked non-stop for almost 100 miles with both of us abit tired and sore when i had made us take a rest and fell asleep this was the events inbetween now and then but for you just a page flip away. Now continuing shall we?

Good. I was getting tired of all that walking and yes i took the chance when you passed out"

"Seriously you are a fcuking manic" "alteast i put you in a mattress instead of,leaving you on the floor"

Bakugo was sat on a mattress i had found in the remaining walking time that he was passed out "whatever do we get a move on or what?" "Well first we dont need to walk no more as i finally got phone service working"

"What your saying you got a phone!? And didnt have service who doesnt have service when you need it!?"

"I got a ipad actually but they both work on phone service and i dont got a sim card but shut up may you asi im going to call the emergency servies to help us get back as my feet are still dead on me from walking"

"Right whatever"

"Oh and you can be the one to call them as i have a issue against police sooo yeah im not speaking to them" " what they done something to you did they screw your life up by keeping your parent in jail?" He was mocking me just now "no well yeah they done that to my father after my siblings were kidnapped" "....oh..OH fuck im sorry i didnt know" "dont care it doesnt matter to me" "go—" "doesnt mean you can make irresponsible jokes about it though or insults" "damnit." I just threw the ipad at him which he caught and then just tried to unlock it "....whats your password." "Murder crimes" "wha-" "you heard me murder crimes no space inbetween" "erh....uh...okay?" He just putted murdercrimes in the password snd my device unlocked eventually he called emergency services while i just searched for some fruit.....


We now were just back in UA and i headed to my dorm immediately to where my classmates were they didnt even notice i was gone! 

Although being gone for awhile they were mostly fricking blind as i just slipped right past the room by walking as if i didnt even disappear to begin with before slipping into my dorm and closing the door while locking it "oh christ sake" i had turned to face my dorm basic and with my stuff on my desk it was ice cold inside and looked messy as hell. When i placed my bag down i barely even used it expect for getting in the base so the dagger i had brought eariler wasnt even needed even after the vent breaking down i still didnt alert anyone.

After a few minutes i had my room completely clean and i had sorted my desk out books stacked on one edge neatly paper ontop and my book under the desk pens pencils and such in a holder on the other side soon moving on i had took my clothes off to deal eith the bandages my injuries would finally be healed and would need to breath but i wasnt letting myself heal all that much as i was doing one thing after another unlike normal where id take breaks but at this point i had no more intentions as i now just dressed up in my pajamas after checking my wounds washing the bandages and putting them back for later incase i was worried id have a scar across my face from the fall awhile ago and i thought about home and realised would our visit here time out?

Would all my stuff get left behind? Would the scar stay there? How would i explain it? 

I tried hard to shrug the thoughts away by exiting the dorm to go to the main room and get something to eat even when i wasnt hungry. Exiting to the main room i had noticed some of class 1A in our dormitory as i just had stared clearly bothered while i made my way to the kitchen i just could feel my injuries just being stared at from a distance as ive not had the bandages off for quite awhile and seeing the damage would of been surprising or something to people who weren't involved in the incident shrugging this thought off too i made it to the kitchen bent down to look in the fridge peering my head in i saw some pasta and bacon stuff like that i just only had collective thoughts like bacon carbonara but i wasnt sure so i just took some bacon and closed the fridge it was cutted up so i just putted the strips of bacon a grabbed in my mouth and immediately chewed on them so then i could get a move on while i tried to find a classmate i just continued to see my classmates and i also saw them interacting with the people in class 1A and most importantly them fawning over bakugo being a neko just resulting in me taking a picture before i went over to the just dance that was plsying on tv with no players to do it of which i immediately stole the remote control and putted a round on and started it it was the airplane one as there werent many good choices that were on this specific disc that we had here seemly new as i was about to comfirm i wanted to start i dropped the remote since i felt someone grab me and just drag im out of the room "your going to be explaining some things."

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