Chapter "2"

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Here I am, Monaco, I've never felt like I belong in a place more than now, I landed in Nice and was on my way to my best friend's apartment and decided to take in the view of the beautiful beach that we passed while I was in the car, I arrived to Anna's apartment and when I finally got the courage, I knocked at the door until I heard footsteps coming towards it, Anna opened the door and I swear I've never heard her gasp that loud, I couldn't help but laugh at her reaction then I said "surprise hoe" and she immediately hugged me afterwards, after that she let me in and we spent the next two hours catching up with the things that happened in our lives and apparently she is seeing someone right now and I had to know the details.

"Ok so there is this guy that I met last year in college and I guess I like him" she says.

"Girl I didn't fly to Monaco just for this, spill. The. Details." I say while pointing my index finger at her.

She laughs and says "oh god only because I miss you" and when we were done talking she asked me about my plans tomorrow and I told her about my plan of surprising Toto tomorrow and she loved it

We couldn't continue talking and just slept because I was so exhausted from the plane ride but I was ready for tomorrow and couldn't wait to see Toto.

I wake up and a delicious smell hit me from the kitchen so I went there and saw Anna cooking us breakfast, "I think this is the first time ever I see you cook without burning at least half of the kitchen" I say as if I'm any better but she laughs and tells me that she made pancakes so I ate some and went straight to get ready, I knew that Toto had a meeting on this day so I decided to call him before it and tell him about the surprise already before I go there "hello little princess" he says and I smile at the mention of my old nickname he used to tell me "hi Toto, are you in a meeting right now?" I ask, "no the next meeting is still after an hour" he says and I decide to go for it and tell him, "ok I don't want you to freak out but I'm in Monaco right now" I said and there was a long pause before I hear Toto says "I have to see you right now, I miss my only daughter" I laugh again remembering the millions of times my dad got jealous when Toto called me his daughter, "I can come before you start your next meeting if it's okay" I tell him, "of course it is I'll send you the location of the Mercedes building" we say our goodbyes and I head to my car and drive off to Toto, it was only a ten minute drive so thankfully I didn't have a chance to get lost, when I arrived I spotted Toto standing outside the building and I run to him before I hug him tightly, he laughs and messes my hair playfully, "I think it's time for my surprise as well" he says and I get a little confused.

I then saw Toto looking behind me and when I turned around I got face to face with the one and only Lewis Hamilton, I couldn't help but smile widely at him and he smiles back and tilts his head at me then looks back at Toto "I didn't know you had a beautiful daughter Toto" Lewis says and I couldn't help but blush, Toto rolls his eyes and says "this is Isabella Silva, one of my best friends daughter" Toto says, quickly after that Toto excused himself to talk to some of the engineers and I was left with only Lewis.

He began asking me questions about when I arrived to Monaco and then offered to give me a tour around the whole building, I gladly accepted while still trying to process that I'm walking with Lewis Hamilton around the building but I did a great job to keep my cool in front of him.

Lewis started by showing me the cars of the new season and I was in complete awe with the shiny black color of the car it just felt so elegant, then while we were walking we bumped into George Russel who looked at me with curiosity then at Lewis "are you a new member of the team?" He asked and I shook my head no then he said "oh my bad then you must be a model or something, are you gonna be in Mercedes new commercial?" I shakes my head again but this time with a laugh at the fact that he thought I was a model, Lewis then said "this is Isabella Silva, Toto's best friends daughter" he said "you both can call me Bella tho", we then continued walking but with George joining us this time and I've been looking at the whole building with admiration all the time.

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