Chapter "20"

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"Isn't qualifying today? Aren't you supposed to sleep a little longer?" I say pulling myself up from the cuddling we've been doing for the past two hours since we woke up.

It's still 6 am and he's already awake.

"I don't feel like sleeping" he says his eyes not leaving my presence for a second while I put on my clothes.

"But you feel like staring?" I chuckled rolling my eyes playfully at him.

"Maybe" he says with a wide smirk.

"Did you tell Pierre about the new contract thing?" I asked.

"No why?" Charles asked.

"I wanted kika to hear it from me first and your best friend here is horrible with keeping secrets" I said

"Well I better get ready so we can head to the paddock before there is too many people" Charles said and I nodded.


"You just signed a deal with the devil you know that right?" Kika asked.

"Yup, I fell right to his trap" I said thinking about the situation.

"But on the bright side, Neymar isn't coming to Miami so maybe he finally got the hint" kika said and I sighed in relief.

"But Lisa on the other hand is still sniffing around" kika continued and I rolled my eyes.

"I mean why can't she leave him alone, how did they even break up" I asked, my mind is flooded with different questions.

"The break up is Charles' story to tell" kika said.

And now that I think about it, I never knew the reason why Lisa and Charles broke up and why is she still following him around even if that can cause more drama and even if he made it clear that he moved on.

"What are we talking about?" Lewis said pulling a chair to sit next to me.

"A psychotic bitch" kika said and I rolled my eyes.

"Am I missing something?" Lewis asked.

"Not much, just Charles ex seconds away from chasing us with a knife" I said and remembered that Lewis doesn't know about the contract so I should probably leave this part of the conversation out.

"Anyways tell your boyfriend that you're watching from our garage tomorrow like you promised, he's been having you for too long" Lewis said and we all laughed.

"Yeah I'll tell him and good luck in quali today" I said before Lewis leaves to head back to his garage.

"Oh look lando and Danny are heading towards us" kika said and my shoulders tensed at the mention of Lando because let's be honest, our last conversation wasn't too smooth.

"The latinas are looking stunning as always" Daniel said as he grabs a chair to sit next to us and Lando does the same.

"How are my girls" Danny asked.

"Melting in this weather, how do you guys survive inside the car" I asked curiously and Daniel just shrugged.

"I heard that you and Charles were on a secret date yesterday" Daniel said while wiggling his eyebrows and I nudged him.

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