Chapter "19"

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Isabella's POV:

I took longer than usual in the bathroom because I had to talk to Anna about my situation with Charles and I knew she's the only one that could help with that.

"What's up hoe" she said and I smiled.

"Hey Anna do you have some time to talk?" I asked hoping that she would say yes.

"Of course I do is it about charles?" Anna asked like she read my mind.


"What about him" she asked ready to hear the whole story.

I told Anna about everything including my plan with kika.

"Look Bella I know it's scary to date someone with such similar career and fame but I saw the way Charles looks at you and the few times that I saw Neymar at the Grand Prix the last couple of weeks, I've never seen him look at you the way Charles does and if you think that you would hurt Charles by running away I'm sure he won't let you because that man goes crazy when you appear in an article with some other driver and when people ship you with other drivers, and I've recently noticed that you look and talk to Charles like you guys are a real thing so you seem to believe in this relationship as much as everybody does" Anna said.

I let out a long sigh, she was right in every single word and right now I'm sure about my answer.

"Thank you Anna you really are the best" I said.

"Anytime babes and update me of how things go" Anna said and we both ended the call.

The second I went out of the bathroom, I was met with Charles who was running to stand right in front of me and staring at me not daring to break eye contact.

I raised an eyebrow at him, "why are you looking at me like that?" I asked.

And then he kissed me but this time it was like he was claiming me, making sure that I will never leave him and well, he came in the exact right time.

"Let me take you on a date" Charles said more like a statement not a question and I widened my eyes at the unexpected question.

"Isn't this all a game we're playing?" I asked teasing him with the question.

"But you can't deny that it's not all pretend, every time we touch each other, it just makes us want more" Charles said stepping closer and pulling my chin upwards so I can look him directly in the eyes, god his eyes are so beautiful.

"Aren't I your girlfriend already, how the hell are we going on a date then" I asked.

"I want this date to be real, i want you not just in front of the cameras" Charles said, am I really going to agree to a date with Charles Leclerc? I guess I am.

"Then I'm yours" I said in barely a whisper and gave Charles one last kiss before we both head to sleep.


I woke up early in the morning and Charles told me that he had a meeting so I took it as a chance to invite kika over to my room because I had no idea about what I was going to wear.

"What about this dress?" Kika asked and I gave her an unamused look.

"Too long" I said, there's no way I'm wearing a long dress in Miami's weather.

"Ooo this one is perfect" kika said and carried a short black dress that was detailed from the middle.

"I'm gonna go try it" I said excitedly rushing to the bathroom, I sound like a 16 year old going on her first date but I think it sounds the same when you're going on a date with a leclerc.

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