Chapter "26"

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Today we were traveling to Santorini, Greece with Pierre and kika to spend the rest of the summer together and kika and I couldn't be more excited.

Once we entered the private jet, Charles and Pierre fell asleep but kika and I on the other hand ordered drinks and kept planning what we were gonna do once we land and we agreed that we're going straight to the beach the moment we arrive.


Sir Lew 💜

Lewis: I don't know whether
            to hate this guy or
            like him anymore

Bella: you can like him
now we're back together

Lewis: where are you
guys headed now

Bella: Greece finallyyyy

Lewis: well then im gonna
be there by tomorrow

Bella: did Toto ask you to
babysit me again??

Lewis: Nope but I'm pretty
sure you need someone
who throws good punches
if Charles tries to break your
heart again 😉


"So I guess that you obviously heard Charles out" kika said.

"Yes I did" I said.

"Bitch you're never leaving me again especially during the summer" kika said and we both laughed as we enter our hotel rooms to get ready to go to the beach.

Santorini was already breathtaking since the moment we landed, it was covered with its blue seas and colorful buildings, Charles told me that it was his favorite place to spend summer and now I can see why.

As I was getting ready Charles starts a conversation with me.

"So there are still 10 races till this season is over" Charles says and I nod for him to continue.

"10 races till the contract between us ends" he continues and I turn around to face him.


Charles' POV:

Bella turned around to look at me sensing that I needed to talk about to her about something important.

"What's going on?" She asked concern written all over her face and I gulp as I'm about to say the next words.

"I called Fernandez this morning" I said and Bella sat down next to me nodding for me to continue, as much as this is hard for me to say I have to because out wasn't fair for both of us.

"And I asked him about the mutual agreement you talked to him about" I continued.

"Charles this was before you explained to me what happened with Lisa, you don't have to ask him now" she said trying to reassure me.

"No please listen to me" I said.

"After our trip, Fernandez wants us to meet with him so we can end the contract" I said and Bella's eyes widened.

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