Chapter "8"

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The drivers decided to celebrate in a classy restaurant near the hotel and invited the wags and I to join, I decided to wear a long floral dress that kika approved of the second I sent it to her.

My ex boyfriend has been viewing every single story since the day he followed me recently but I actually didn't care, I loved proving to him that I'm so much happier right now and I actually got over it

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My ex boyfriend has been viewing every single story since the day he followed me recently but I actually didn't care, I loved proving to him that I'm so much happier right now and I actually got over it.

Lewis was picking me up today because he said the least I can do after not watching the race from their garage is for me to go with him and vibe with some songs.

"Hey lew" I said while approaching Lewis who was talking to lando, "Bella, ready to go?" Lewis asked and I nodded my head, "nice dress" lando said, "thanks lando, you don't look too bad yourself" I said and smiled at lando before walking away with Lewis.

"What do you wanna listen to" Lewis said as he was starting the car, "house of balloons" Lewis nodded his head in approval and turned on the song, after 15 minutes of switching through songs we arrived in front of the restaurant.

When we entered we greeted all of the drivers and their girlfriends then I went to sit in the only empty seat which was between Charles and Lewis, lando was sitting beside me but as I sat next to Charles he only pushed my chair closer to him without anyone noticing which caught me completely off guard but I shook the feeling off.

"So Bella did you enjoy watching from Ferrari today?" Lando asked and suddenly all of the attention was on me, "yeah actually" I said and we all went back to talking again.

"How about we play a game" Lando suggested and we all agreed, "okay so we're gonna play never have I ever"

"And the rules are that someone is gonna ask a question and if you have, you're gonna drink a sip from your beverage" lando explained and thankfully the drinks were non-alcoholic so no one was getting drunk while playing this.

"First question, never have I ever found a driver attractive" lando said while keeping eye contact with me, the first people to drink were the wags then I finally decided to drink.

"Interesting, who is it Bella?" Lando asked and I just shaked my head as a sign that I'm not gonna say who.

"Next question, never have I ever dated someone famous" once again all the wags and I drank our drinks but this time Lewis also drank.

"Okay my turn, never have I ever found Bella hot" daniel asked and I watched closely the people who were going to drink, Lewis and daniel were the first to drink then Charles and lando drank at the same time while shooting each other a glare and staring each other down, well this is intense, I thought that this was it until I saw Carlos, Esteban and lance stroll drink as well, oh wow that is a lot.

"Oh girl you got a lot of choices" kika said and I just shook my head "not happening" I said but then Charles leaned down to my ear and said "yet" I was actually surprised that he was saying this completely sober.

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