Chapter "16"

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Charles' POV:

Bella and I were getting ready to the after party tonight and I decided to take a quick shower before I start getting dressed.

While I was in the shower, I couldn't help but overthink everything that was going on between Bella and I, and I was starting to lose my mind.

The fact that we get to sleep in the same room but I still can't claim her as mine drives me insane, because I want whatever it is between us to be real not just pretend, I want to feel her.

Isabella's POV:

I was so excited for todays party because kika was coming too and a party with kika was never boring.

I tried to pick an outfit that matches the team colours so I decided to wear a maxi dress with a long opening from the side that hugged my curves perfectly.

I tried to pick an outfit that matches the team colours so I decided to wear a maxi dress with a long opening from the side that hugged my curves perfectly

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The moment Charles walked out of the bathroom all ready, his eyes immediately landed on me then his gaze travelled down my body with his mouth hung open.

I actually found it cute that whenever I wear something that he likes he just stands frozen staring at me.

"You always take my breath away, you know that?" Charles said and I can feel my face heating up so I looked away before he notices I'm blushing but when I did he held my chin and forced me to look at him.

"You're blushing from my words already?" Charles murmured while kissing my neck but I pushed him away gently.

"I'm not blushing" I tried to defend myself but then when I was inches apart from him again Charles slowly ran his tongue over his bottom lip while getting a strand of my hair behind my ear.

Just seconds later someone knocked at the door and I knew it was kika and probably Pierre as well.

I rushed to the door and the moment I opened it kika hugged me tightly then she whispered in my ear.

"You didn't tell me that you and charles were sharing a hotel room" kika said.

"We had to because receptionists can sneak some information to the media" I said and kika nodded understandably.

We talked a little in the lobby then we decided to continue our talk when we arrive to the club so we split ways and Charles lead me to the garage where his car was parked.

The whole ride to the club was either filled with music or Charles staring at my dress whenever there is a red light until we arrived.

The moment we got out of the car, cameras were flashing all over our faces and I couldn't see a thing until I felt charles hand resting on my lower back while pushing me forward gently to lead me inside the club.

I greeted Lewis with a hug then went to sit down between Charles and Carlos, and the moment I sat down Carlos handed me a shot.

I drank the shot feeling the liquor burning down my throat but fought the urge to gag.

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