Chapter "6"

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Noah, Anna's boyfriend, just arrived now to keep Anna's company, wow these two really are inseparable, but Anna already had plans with her boyfriend so I decided to go with kika to qualifying today and I was wearing my Mercedes merch and matched it with the Mercedes hat with a pair of baggy black pants, I wanted to be the biggest Mercedes supporter today so I won't feel bad when I watch the race from Ferrari tomorrow.

"There's my biggest supporter" Lewis said and embraced me in a hug "hey lew, good luck today" I said, "thanks, by the way have you ever tried an f1 helmet?" Lewis asked, "no, why" "do you want to put on mine?", "really?? Of course yes" I said and Lewis began applying his helmet to me, and I immediately saw some cameras surrounding us but actually it's not a big problem, I haven't read any hate comments so far so it didn't matter.


Caption: Isabella Silva known as the IT girl of the paddock appears with Lewis' unique helmet revealing her love for Mercedes

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Caption: Isabella Silva known as the IT girl of the paddock appears with Lewis' unique helmet revealing her love for Mercedes.

User 4: our IT girl 🫶

User 6: get with Lewis please

User 2: why is she exactly Charles' type??
↪️User 5: right?? I thought so too, I'm shipping them
↪️User 2: we should come up with a ship name for them
↪️User 5: maybe Charbella

User 3: we ship lord Perceval with the IT girl of the paddock


I returned the helmet to Lewis and put my Mercedes hat back on then went for a walk through the paddock, practice 3 has already finished and qualifying is still in two hours so I decided to look for kika.

"Wrong team ma cherie" Charles said while stepping in front of me.

"Oh I'm pretty sure I'm wearing the right color Mon amour" I said

"Don't forget our deal tomorrow you're watching the race from Ferrari"

"Yup I didn't forget"

"Don't forget to also wear red" Charles said.

"Uh that wasn't part of the deal" I said

"It is now if you want the additional ice cream"

"Whatever" I said then walked away to continue looking for kika.


Caption: finally after fans have been waiting for them to meet, Bella Silva and Charles Leclerc spotted talking together before qualifying, not to mention that a lot of fans say that Bella is definitely Charles' type

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Caption: finally after fans have been waiting for them to meet, Bella Silva and Charles Leclerc spotted talking together before qualifying, not to mention that a lot of fans say that Bella is definitely Charles' type.

User 4: omg they mettt

User 2: perfect now can they fuck please

User 1: they definitely did it but I can't prove it


There was still an hour left so I decided to spend some time with lando because he wasn't feeling cheerful after today's practice, he finished 12th.

One of the mechanics lead the way to lando's room inside the garage, I thanked him and knocked on the door.

I was about to knock again but then the door opened, and a very disappointed Lando opened the door to me.

"If you were someone else, I would've told them to fuck off but I'm glad you're here" Lando said.

"Aw come here" I said while embracing lando in a hug, he let out a deep sigh and I swear I'm feeling so bad for him right now because I know he's holding back tears.

He closed the door behind us and sat on the couch, "I brought you stroopwafels" I said knowing that he can't resist them.

"Really??? Oh you're amazing" he said while taking the stroopwafels from me and opening them.

"You know sharing is caring" I said.

"Joey doesn't share food" lando said.

"Lando there are like twenty you can't possibly finish them all"

"Yes I can"

"Fine but don't eat too much you still have quali after half an hour and keep your head up it's just the start of the season" I said.

"Can you please stay here until quali starts? I don't want someone else to feel pity for me" lando said "of course" I said with a smile.

Lando and I sat the whole half an hour talking about our childhood and he also told me about the most memorable Carlando moments for him.

"Sorry to bother but 10 minutes till quali lando" one of the mechanics said.

"Ok I better get going" I said and lando nodded.

When I exited the mclaren garage I spotted kika and gave her a quick hug before I return back to Mercedes hospitality, thank god I found Carmen here, I approached her and we talked through the whole race while keeping an eye at Lewis and George during qualifying.

Lewis was leading and I couldn't be prouder, he's already leading in the last two laps and was think of retiring, over my dead body am I letting him retire.

After they finished qualifying, Lewis ended up in pole position while George finished P5, after they got out of the car, lewis ran to give me a hug and whispered "thank you for motivating me" I smiled and hugged him even harder, god these drivers are beginning to be closer to me than my family ever was.

My family is quite complicated, since my dad went through the car accident, he defined a new word for love, he would bring me expensive stuff all the time but they were never enough, I always watched other teenagers go out with their parents but whenever I go out with my parents we end up arguing and mom always taking my fathers side, while my mom is always working because she's a surgeon so she is always busy, I've always wondered what it would be like if I lived with Toto and Susie instead, it would've been less chaos than with my parents, even tho Toto have been always overprotective over me, it was my favorite thing about him.

I went back to Pierre and kika because we were going to pick up something from a restaurant then head back to the hotel together.

We figured out that Pierre would be recognized easily in the restaurant so we went through the drive thru instead.

After we ate, we chatted all the way back to the hotel, to be honest they're the cutest couple I've ever seen and I was glad to have them in my life.

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