Chapter "27"

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"It's gonna be hella crowded when the other drivers come" I say as Charles and I get ready to meet Lewis and the other drivers in the lobby because they just arrived.

"Are they staying at the same hotel?" Charles asks.


"Oh then yes it's gonna be too crowded but I can request for a bigger yacht for todays boat trip" Charles says as we enter the lobby and I nod a nod of approval at his idea.

But the moment we see Lewis we stop dead in our tracks and Charles and I give each other a look.

"Am I in an alternate universe where max and Lewis are with us on the same vacation?" Charles says.

"I thought they hated each other?" I ask, Lewis definitely didn't mention that a certain Red Bull driver was coming along with us.

"This is gonna be so fun" Charles says as I know that he's close friends with both.

It didn't take long until Lewis noticed us and waved us over to them.

So yes we definitely need a bigger yacht.

Charles goes to shake max's hand first while I go over to hug Lewis.

I then go to hug both of the McLaren drivers and lando hold on to me for a little too long until max interrupted us.

"Bella right?" Max says as he shakes my hand and I nod my head yes.

"We haven't met properly last time" I say as I shake his hand back, and by last time I mean the time I was balling my eyes out in his car.

"Yeah it was more of a getaway call from Charles" he says with his voice high enough for me to hear and I chuckle nervously.

I was about to say my next words until someone little hugged my leg tightly, I looked down to see Penelope hugging me while looking me up and I felt my heart just melt.

"Hello there" I say as I look down at Penelope and max smiles softly.

"She doesn't do that a lot" max says and I look at him raising my eyebrow waiting for him to continue.

"She doesn't warm up to people that quickly not even with me" he continues and I was in complete awe of the little girl beside me.

After a while I looked over to Lewis and saw him throw a hand over Charles' shoulders and pulls him to the side to talk to him, and by the way they kept looking over at me I knew they were talking about me.


The moment we stepped inside the yacht still in shock that max and Lewis are okay with the idea of spending the summer break together, everyone went to change into their swimsuits immediately.

Kika and I went to find Heidi to get to know her more and we made quite a good trio.

"I'm gonna go to the bar to get us some drinks" I tell kika and she nods.

"Oh sorry!" I said to the person that I bumped into while I was on my way to the bar.

"No it's okay" lando says as he looks back at me.

At this point I'm begging him to not make this conversation awkward.

"I actually wanted to talk to you" Lando says and I nod leading him to the bar stools, I'm not really sure where this is going.

"Look, I'm really sorry about how I handled you being with Charles these past few months, it just took me by surprise and I really liked you so I didn't know how to take it" Lando explains nervously and he actually sound genuine.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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