Chapter "10"

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Today is race day in Australia and I decided to go with Lewis to the paddock, "how are you enjoying Australia so far?" Lewis asked.

"I'm actually having so much fun and the idea of us all staying together just makes it more fun" I said, I really was enjoying every day in Daniel's penthouse and he didn't fail to give us the best hospitality in his house, I also haven't ran into Charles the past two days which might be for the best.

"I'm glad you are because next race in Monaco will be even better" lew said.

"Oh I know it's always eventful there" the thought of watching the next race in monaco was so exciting, I couldn't wait and something tells me that a lot will happen there.

We arrived to the paddock and went to the Mercedes hospitality, I begged kika to come and watch the race with Anna and I and she agreed so now we were sitting and chatting until the race began, I also decided to not tell him about what happened with Charles because kika is gonna act like I got pregnant and Anna was going to lecture me about my rules so I left this part of conversation out.

The race began and I watched the two Mercedes closely but I couldn't help but look at the Ferrari car with the number 16, Charles looked like he was struggling with the car and kept loosing positions, he was now P12 and Carlos P5, we heard charles radio and he was complaining about damage in his front wing but what surprised me more was the team telling him to not to put now and wait another two laps, what the hell were they thinking.

My full attention was in Charles' car now and he was still struggling with the car, that's until he tried to turn left but lost control and did not finish the race, I felt so bad for him, especially because he was performing so well during the last two races, the race ended by Charles being DNF and Carlos was P5, well at least they got some points for the team.

I went to congratulate carlos and when I did I heard someone call my name "you're bella right?" Andrea, Charles' personal trainer asked and I nodded, "Charles was asking to see you now if that's okay" Andrea said, "yeah sure where is he", "in his drivers room".

I went to Charles room and knocked a couple of times until Charles opened the door, his eyes were dark but when he saw me his whole face softened and he let me in, I closed the door and he went to sit on the couch while resting his head against his hands, god I've never seen him so frustrated before.

"Look Charles you can't blame yourself for this, we all saw that there was clearly a problem in the car and the team didn't handle it well" I said and I have to admit that I hated seeing him looking so sad and not have his stupid smirk plastered on his face.

"It was partially my fault tho" Charles said and his voice cracked a little while saying this.

"Don't say that" I said, why is he still blaming himself?

"I couldn't get my mind off you, I just kept thinking about how amazing it feels whenever I kiss you or the way your body reacts to my touch" Charles suddenly blurted out.

"Charles-" I was about to say something but he cut me off.

"No please listen to me, Bella I need you, I felt like this since the first time I saw you"

I didn't know what to say but seeing him like this broke my heart so I decided to do the craziest thing I thought I would never do.

"You know what? Let's make a deal" I said and Charles listened to me carefully, "if you won next race in Monaco......I'll give you permission to do whatever you want with me" I said and Charles eyes widened.

He kept quiet for a minute, "two months" he finally said.


"You'll give me permission to do whatever I want for two months and we have a deal" he said.

The sane me would never even think of agreeing to something like that but right now I felt like agreeing so I did.

"Deal" I said and just like that Charles huge grin was back again.

"Then I'll see you in the podium next race ma rose and don't think about not taking this bet seriously because I still have your precious Cartier bracelet" Charles said and exited his room to go and congratulate Carlos for P5.

What the fuck have I just done, this is like making a deal with the devil himself but why am I wishing already that he wins in Monaco from now. And he also still has my moms gift which I desperately need so I have to complete the bet if he actually won.


Sir lew 💜

Lewis: if you don't wake up right
            now the flight might miss us
             and we're gonna miss you too
            from Monaco

Bella: no wait!! Just give me ten minutes
     And I'll meet u at the lobby

Lewis: ima count every minute


I can't believe I overslept today, oh wait now I remember it's because I had a dirty dream about Charles and I and apparently I had too much fun sleeping rather than getting ready for the flight.

I rushed to the lobby and thankfully George, lew and Anna waited for me, so we headed directly to the airport and when we entered the jet, I saw Susie sitting with Toto, no way I haven't seen her in any of the races.

"Susie!" I screamed and ran into susie who welcomed me with open arms, we hugged each other so tightly.

"I can't believe you didn't tell me you moved to Monaco" susie told me and I was surprised that Toto didn't tell her.

"I wanted to make it a surprise for susie until she meets you face to face" Toto said and susie gave him a fake glare for not telling him, the rest of the flight Lewis was talking to Toto while I was catching up with susie and I've never felt happier, they always cared about the little things in me which I admired about them.

After the longest flight I've ever been to, we've finally arrived to my new home, Monaco, and the moment we landed I just got more excited, and also the company that was organizing my apartment called me two days ago and told me that the apartment was completely ready, I was going to miss living with Anna but at the same time I couldn't wait to see my new apartment.

I didn't waste any time and collected my bags to head for my apartment and god I was not disappointed when I arrived, the location was breathtaking as it viewed Monaco's beach and the apartment itself felt so homely and warm, I entered my room and started unpacking then when I was done I went directly to sleep, I kinda needed to sleep early because this race week was going to be a long one especially that I'm watching both qualifying and the race from Ferrari.

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