Chapter "9"

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I woke up with a massive headache so I reached next to me as Anna left some pills and water before she left yesterday which I was thankful for, so I took the pills and suddenly all the memories from last night flooded my mind and all sort of questions were crossing me, did Charles really say that he wanted me? Did I just break my own rules? What would've happened if Pierre didn't interrupt us? Did I want Charles as much as he wanted me? Did I just leave my moms most precious gift to me in Charles room?

Kika (Pierre's version)

Kika: so it's a great morning isn't it

Bella: kika I know that Pierre
   told you about last night

Kika: ok fine he did, did Charles look
          good with your lipstick?😏

Bella: oh shut up and tell Pierre
   that I'll kill him if he told anyone else
about what happened last night

Kika: oh don't worry about that I've
         already told him to shut his mouth

Bella: thank you you're the best



Today we were going to Australia and I was so excited because Daniel suggested that we stay at his house, he said that it had enough rooms and he didn't invite the whole grid so there was also going to be enough space so he invited Pierre, Charles, Lewis, George, Carlos, Lando, Anna and I, Noah couldn't come along with us to Australia but Anna wasn't really affected by it because next race is the Monacan Grand Prix so Anna was going to see him after this race weekend.


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Lewis Hamilton mentioned you in their story


Once we arrived to daniel's penthouse, I couldn't keep my mouth closed, the place was huge and Anna and I just became more excited, kika and I went to take a look at the backyard while the others headed to their rooms, after half an hour we decided to go to our rooms to unpack, "Pierre can we please adopt Bella?" Kika asked, "you're like four years younger than Bella" Pierre said with a chuckle, "and why are you both acting like you've never seen a house in your life?" Pierre asked, "okay pookie we get it you're rich too but this house is amazing" I said, "why thank you Bella" Daniel said as he approached us, "want me to show you guys your rooms?", we all nodded and went with Danny, apparently my room is the one directly across Charles which Daniel explained as a 'coincidence' but I don't think so.

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