Chapter "7"

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"Can you stop calling me? you're reminding me of Danny" I told Charles with a slightly annoyed tone.

"You're NOT wearing white today" Charles said or demanded I don't really know.

"Well I don't have any red outfits so you're gonna have to deal with it babe" I said.

"I don't—Did you just call me babe?" Charles asked.

"No I didn't", "you definitely did" Charles said and I can see his smirk through the phone.

"Anyways I have an extra Ferrari jacket, I'm coming to your room to give it to you"

"How do you even know my room number"

"I have my own ways ma Cherie" we ended the call and I really wanted to escape and get out of my room but I had to stay if I wanted my pancakes.

"Who is it" I shouted at whoever was knocking at the door.

"It's me" Charles said from the other side of the door.

"Oh well 'me' can be a serial killer or even a stalker" I said loud enough for Charles to hear, I wasn't letting him in that easily.

"It's Charles Bella open the door" he said with a sigh.

"Charles who" I said while trying so hard not to laugh but failed.

"Oh come on" Charles said and I bursted out laughing and gave up.

I opened the door and met his green eyes before i let him in.

"Actually this dress isn't too bad" Charles said eyeing me up and down.

"See? I told you I don't need to wear red" I said.

"But it will look better with this" Charles handed me a red Ferrari jacket and I actually loved its color, I always loved the color red but always preferred to wear it at the club or at certain events.

I put the jacket on and looked at myself in the mirror, wow Ferrari jackets are really something else, I paired it with red heels and a vintage van cleef bracelet, I loved the look and apparently Charles did too because he's checking me out right now.

"What do you think" I asked looking back at Charles and snapping him out of his thoughts, "you look perfect, red is definitely our color" Charles said while giving me a playful wink, our? What does he mean by that.

I exited the elevator with Charles and we both headed to his car, Pierre and kika already left so I was stuck with Charles for the hundredths time, i entered the car and Charles did as well, this time the the car felt smaller than ever, after Char...

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I exited the elevator with Charles and we both headed to his car, Pierre and kika already left so I was stuck with Charles for the hundredths time, i entered the car and Charles did as well, this time the the car felt smaller than ever, after Charles turned the radio on, style by Taylor swift played and I loved this song so much, I was actually vibing until I felt Charles glancing at me every few seconds then returning his eyes to the road, the car in front of us suddenly stopped and Charles just pulled the breaks on time, well that was close, my chest was rising up and down as the car stopping so suddenly caught us both off guard but thank god Charles had a fast reflex.

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