Chapter "18"

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I woke up from the best sleep of my life but my head was laid on Charles broad chest with his strong arms wrapped around my naked waist then all the memories from last night flooded my head.

The secret yacht trip we went to, the stargazing we did for hours while eating my favorite kind of pizza with the tastiest whine.

It all felt so good to be true..........especially what happened after we went back to the house.

I remembered that I was supposed to have brunch with kika today and it was already 11:00 am, wow how many hours did we sleep?

And as long as I wanted to continue cuddling up with Charles with my head resting on his chest and maybe repeat what happened yesterday night, I had to meet up with kika so I can take my mind off of things for a few hours.

So I carefully unwrapped Charles' arms from around me admiring how peaceful he looks while sleeping then I headed to take a quick shower and get ready for my brunch with kika.

When I finished my shower I was just wrapped in my towel hoping that Charles still didn't wake up so I can get my clothes but when I walked into the room, he wasn't there.

I hoped again that he was in the kitchen because if he is then I can sneak out easily without him seeing me because this thing between has become a little confusing and I would love to talk to kika about it before I face Charles again.

I got ready and headed downstairs checking if it was clear for me to head out.

I was about to open the door until I heard Charles' morning raspy voice coming from behind me.

"You open that door and there will be consequences" he said and I froze in my place turning around slowly to face him.

"Oh really? What are you gonna do" I said mostly challenging him to do something about my failed escape.

Without saying anything he walks up to me and lifts me over his shoulders like I weighed nothing then walked up the stairs leading to the bedroom.

"Charles put me down I'm not even kidding I have brunch with kika" I said shouting and kicking but he didn't seem to care.

He laid me down on the bed while placing both of his arms on either side of my head as he braces himself over me.

"I already told Pierre that him and kika can have lunch with us so we still have a few more extra hours" Charles said his breathing quickening as he gets closer to my face forcing me to tilt my head so he can have full access to my neck.

I didn't have anymore excuses to tell so I just kept silent as he began kissing and biting on my neck.

"So about what I'm gonna do, I'm gonna make round 4 a little harder than yesterday so you know not to try to escape me ever again" he said remembering what we left off yesterday and I just smirked at the suggestion.

And he was right...........he fucked me even harder than yesterday.


After we both cleaned ourselves up, we finally got to meet Pierre and kika for lunch and we just arrived on time.

I sat next to Kika while Charles and Pierre went to get their food from the open buffet in front of us,

Charles kept looking back at me while picking his food as he was afraid that I would run off and I couldn't help but chuckle.

Kika looked suspiciously between both of us until she finally got the courage to ask.

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