Chapter "5"

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****** (ex bf) viewed your story

Oh he's viewing my stories now?? and god why did he have to view THIS story, I feel like my luck isn't luckying these days, I hate it.

I don't want to think about him right now, I'm going to a party and maybe I can find someone there to get him off my mind.

"I can't believe that I'm responsible for three girls now" Pierre said.

Kika giggled and said "oh you know you love us".

We finally arrived to the club and wow it is full of people, but luckily Pierre lead us to the vip booth and we were met with nearly all the drivers, oh and there are a few I haven't met that are here now.

"Hey guys" I said to Lewis and Daniel before sitting between them.

"Did you like the pancakes?" Daniel asked.

"Yes and this is definitely not the last time you're getting me them" I said and we both laughed.

"Congrats on the podium Lew" I said and hugged Lewis tightly.

"Aw thank u gorgeous" he said and I looked at Charles who was now glaring at Lewis and sent him a smirk, 'chill bro I'm not your girlfriend or anything, you're already killing the man next to me with your fucking eyes', I thought.

Daniel kept giving me shots until I felt the liquor beginning to ease my mind, this is the perfect way to forget about an ex.

"Come dance with me babes" kika said and grabbed my hand before leading us to the dance floor, I grabbed Lewis hand too, he just won a podium so he has to live the most out of this night. I turned my attention to kika and Lewis and began dancing with them to every beat of the song, Pierre joined us so now kika's attention was on Pierre and my attention turned to Lewis.

He held my waist and pulled me closer to him so I can hear him over the music, "how are you enjoying the trip so far" he said while leaning close enough so I can hear him, "feels too good to be true" I said and he gave me a warm smile, we kept dancing for a while.

"I'm gonna go get us more drinks" he said and I nodded.

I continued dancing with Anna now until I felt a pair of hands snaking their way around my waist, I didn't bother and continued dancing with whoever was behind me, I turned around to face him and saw Charles smiling at me while still holding my waist, does this man ever quit?

I was too drunk to care and continued dancing with him until I felt his hands are getting too low until they reached my thigh, lewis already gave me my drink but needed to sit down a little.

"Come with me" he whispered while brushing his lips against my ear.

"Where?" I said innocently, obviously I was playing dump I knew exactly what he meant.

"Back to the hotel" he said, does his voice always get so deep when he's drunk?

"Nope" I replied, "come on per favore" he said and I giggled because of the alcohol I assumed but then I just shook my head at him and returned back to where Daniel was sitting, I still feel hot at the way Charles was holding me, what has gotten into me?

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