2 AM Who Do You Love

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{There are Manga spoilers here kind of}

Deku felt like an idiot as he lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, thinking about Ochaco. She was an angel, she smelled like flowers and her hugs felt like the first sip of tea in the morning. She was also a pro hero, so it seemed unlikely that he had a chance with her. She worked for Kacchan, and she was friends with Ingenium, maybe even more. He doubted she would want to kiss him when she found out he had a hand in maiming her best friend's big brother. He wanted to get her out of his head, but he didn't think he would be able to. She was the first person to make him feel like a person in a long time, and he couldn't imagine letting her slip away. He was worried she would forget him, worried she already had. She was so amazing, she probably made everyone feel this way. He reached for his phone, grabbing it, and calling the number that had been Kacchan's back when they were friends, or whatever their relationship had been.

To his surprise he did get Bakugo's voicemail.

"Hey, Kacchan. I uh.. I heard you were looking for me. This is Izuku. From middle school. I-I saw you on the news and Ocha-Uravity said that you were worried so, I-I'm fine. I'm doing pretty well actually. So yeah. Bye" He had called to ask about Ochaco, but he really wasn't sure if he had the nerve, he also doubted the boy who had refused to learn his name in the fourteen years they knew each other would know anything he wanted to know about Ochaco. So he hung up, staring at the wall. He had her number, but he didn't want to disturb her late at night.

He jumped when his phone came to life in his hand, looking down and seeing a picture of kirby and Ochaco's number on the screen. He answered

"Hello? Ochaco? Ochaco! I've been thinking about you all night and-"

"Oh good, so I didn't wake you?" Ochaco scratched the back of her head and looked at the foot of her bed. "I just couldn't sleep." she murmured

He frowned "Oh no! Why not?"

"I just.. I don't know." She blushed profusely, what was going on? Was this his quirk? Some sort of enchantment? She couldn't quit thinking about him, she wanted to see him again.

"Do you feel guilty?" He sighed, she was a pro hero, and she had spent a lot of her afternoon making out with an under the table arms dealer.

Ochaco sighed, that was the thing, she didn't regret it at all. She really just wanted to hold him again. Talk to him for longer. '

He sighed, "I've been thinking about you all night." He murmured "B-but not like- I've been thinking about how nice you are, a-and how good you are at giving hugs and kisses."

She laughed bashfully, nodding "I've been thinking of you too." She murmured "I don't know what to do about it."

His eyes lit up, "really? You've been thinking about me, why?"

"I'm not sure." Ochaco lied, her eyes resting on her knees as she thought about his lips and his smile. She just wasn't sure what her infatuation with a threat like Deku would do to her career, or what it said about her as a person, but she wasn't sure how much she cared. She knew she needed to get a hold of herself, but she wasn't sure how. It was two in the morning, She probably just needed to go to bed. She thought about saying good night, but she instead found herself reaching for her coat.

"Maybe I should just come over." She murmured, it was an awful idea, but she had already offered now.

Deku smiled, nodding his head "Y-yeah! I'll wait by the door!" she beamed, getting out of his bed and walking down the hall towards his kitchen, what did girls like? He had no idea what girls liked. He googled it. He did not have wine or cheese or any of the things listed. He had cookies, candy, ice cream, and carrots. He just sort of stared at his fridge for a while, he could cook. He could cook. He was getting some noodles down from his cupboard when he heard a knock on his door. Did she live near him? He went to the door and let her in, kissing her forehead and watching her come into his house. He smiled as he sat down on his couch and looked at her.

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