Please Don't Be In Love With Someone Else

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 Deku smiled as he watched Ochaco eat pancakes. He ran a hand down her back and sighed

"Should we go get you clothes after you're finished?" he kissed her head

She nodded her head as she looked up at him and sighed, "That would be nice," She was worried about being seen in public with him, though she supposed it was going to happen at some point, especially if he was going to try and redeem himself.

"Don't worry, I'm good at hiding from the public." He sighed

She nodded, kissing her gently, she nuzzled him.

"I wasn't worried." She purred, Deku grinned, holding her close and kissing her forehead. "So we don't have to hide?"

"We don't have to hide."

Deku wiped his eyes, pulling Ochaco into a passionate kiss, holding her tightly against himself as he buried his face in her shoulder.

Ochaco laughed, "I thought I was to eat my pancakes with no distractions!"

"I'm sorry, you just.. You made me really happy." he murmured, kissing her forehead before she began to eat again. Deku smiled as he watched her eat, standing up and going out to start his car. Ochaco sighed, finishing her pancakes and starting on the dishes. Deku hugged her from behind, kissing her cheek gently.

"I can do those."

"No, you made breakfast. I'll clean up."

Deku smiled softly and nuzzled her "Okay." He stepped away and started to wipe off the counters. Ochaco finished with dishes, putting her hands in her pockets as she looked at him

"Ready to go?"

Deku nodded, pecking her lips as she held his hand and led him out the door. He opened car door for her, she climbed in beside him and giggled

"Does this look like the batmobile on purpose?"

Deku laughed with a nod, "I'm offended you had to ask." He kissed her cheek before beginning to drive it. Ochaco was a bit nervous, she wasn't sure why she thought he would have a normal car. People would definitely see her riding in this. She supposed Deku wasn't a public figure, people would just wonder who the skinny green haired man in the allmight hoodie was. But than she remembered the number one hero was looking for a green haired man with freckles. She wanted to be scared, but, really she was having fun. She giggled, looking out the window. They would raise eyebrows, but that didn't matter to her right now. She gave instructions to his apartment. She smiled when he pulled into the parking lot of her apartment building, kissing his forehead as she stepped out of the car. Deku frowned, she was a pro hero, and he was sure Kacchan paid her well, why was she living in a dump like this? He stepped through the door and held his breath as the smell of mildew hit his nose. He looked around the building, it did not seem structurally sound. He felt himself growing protective, he wasn't about to lose another loved one.

She sighed, "No judging, I know my place isn't as nice as yours."

Deku laughed, "You're a pro hero, why do you live like this?"

Ochaco nodded, leading him up to her apartment; it was a studio, smaller than a single room in Deku's home.

"Huh." he said, putting his hands in his pockets

"It's nice. A little cold in the winter, but I'm really not home that often so it seemed pretty pointless to pay a lot in rent."

"That's fair." Deku frowned, putting his hands in his pockets "you know.. We could probably just get all of your stuff and take it to my apartment. You don't have a lot of things."

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