My Ghosts Are Gaining On Me (Pancakes)

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 Deku was quiet as he held Ochaco in his arms, his hands ran down her back as she nuzzled his cheek. Her hair was so soft, and it smelled like cherry blossoms. He thought he would be happy the first time they slept together, but he really just felt guilty. He looked at her eyes and smiled weakly, wondering how she felt.

"Are you still hungry?" he asked softly, they had abandoned the idea of pancakes after their makeout session had distracted them a bit too much.

"No.." She murmured, "I uh.." what was wrong with her? She had just slept with a man who she had known for a day. She had told him she loved him and slept with him. On top of him being a stranger, what she did know about him was scary. His weapons had nearly killed or maimed her several times. But he seemed so sweet, and he had such a gentle touch. She loved the way he leaned into her touch, his messy hair, his freckles. She really did think she might love him. She leaned forward as she kissed his nose and sighed

"What now?" she whispered

Deku looked at her with a sigh, kissing between her eyes as he stared at her. She was so warm in his arms, she fit in them perfectly. He didn't want her to slip away, like the last girl he had held like this. His eyes were teary as he ran his fingers through her hair. Was this a betrayal?

"What's wrong?" Her voice was soft, she was scared that something she had done had made him realize he didn't like her, that he was about to ask her to leave, that she would never see him again.

"Nothing, just the last person I held like this is dead." He murmured

Ochaco looked at him sadly, "I'm sorry to hear that." She murmured

"Yeah uh.. It sucked actually, she took my virginity and in the morning she put her clothes back on and said there was someone else. Saw she had died a couple months later."

Ochaco gasped, beginning to cry herself "Himikochan?"

Deku nodded "Yeah."

"I'm so sorry Deku I-"

"No. Now that I've met you, I understand.. Sh-she was right. There was someone better.."

"I didn't kill her. I didn't mean to. I was dying and she just- she just" she started to sob

Deku shushed her, kissing between her eyes and shaking his head "I love you." He whispered "A-and I'm honestly-It's nice to know that she died on her terms, and that she died saving someone who was worth something."

She sat up, holding her head in her hands, she sat up beside her and grabbed him and kissed her cheek.

"I love you." he murmured, "She's been dead ten years now."

"I know." her voice was soft, Deku's arms slipped around her as he held her head against his chest.

"I think we should get dressed." He sighed, looking at her with a sad smile, he gently kissed her forehead and climbed out of the bed. He put his clothes on before sitting on the foot of the bed, Ochaco got dressed too, looking at him and putting her hands in her pockets. Deku smiled at her, walking to her and kissing her gently.

"I am going to make you pancakes." he sighed, "kissing her cheek and nuzzling her

Ochaco grinned "okay." she murmured, running a hand through his hair Deku hugged her close and kissed her head again.

"I love you." he sighed

"I think.. I love you too, Izuku." she murmured, Deku nodded once, kissing her head one more time before pulling away and leading her out the door of his room and to his kitchen.

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