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 Ochaco smiled weakly at Deku as they drove home from dinner.

"The fish was good I really-

"What's that girl who was with Tenya's name?"

Ochaco frowned "Uh.. Mei Hatsume, why?"

"I don't like her."

"Wow uh. Okay Why?"

"She's smug. Rude. I don't like her."

Ochaco laughed "Is it because she invents things too?"

"No. It's because she told me my inventions are bad and- and well than if my inventions are so fucking bad how have they been so effective? Huh? If they're so bad you would think that her inventions would have rendered them obsolete! Wouldn't you?"

Ochaco sighed "wow. I think you should calm down, before you wreck the car, and when we get home, I will uh.. You can do whatever you need to do to feel like a man again." she purred

Deku sighed, he wished sex with his beautiful girlfriend would be enough to reconstruct his pride, but no he needed to research Hatsume, study the chinks in her armor. He was going to defeat her. He wasn't sure how, but he was going to. Ochaco huffed, this was not going to be fun.

Deku got out of the car, getting to his house, taking off his suit and going, in his boxers to his lab. Ochaco sighed following him down the stairs.

"Future Mrs. Midoriya does not have clearance into the lab."
Deku frowned "Let her down Toshinori."

"Clearance granted."

Ochaco smiled softly, going down the stairs with a sigh as she kissed Deku's cheek.

"What is this about?" She asked softly

Deku sighed "The same thing my entire life has been about. Proving I am worthy of everything I have."

"Why do you need to prove it? Why does it matter?"

"Because! I don't want to hear about how little I deserve you for the rest of my fucking life! Ochaco! It's hard enough hearing it in my head, I don't want to keep hearing it everytime I step outside."

Ochaco sighed "Do you think that people are going to think that you deserve me if you pick a fight with Mei Hatsume?"

Deku sighed "No." he looked at her sadly "I just don't know what to do."

"Swallow your anger, turn the other cheek."

"Swallowing my anger is how I ended up at my lowest point!" Deku replied, frowning when he saw how she shrunk away from him

"I-I'm sorry. I'm sorry."
"I love you." she sighed, "just, all eyes are on you right now, you cannot have a pissing contest with Mei Hatsume."
Deku sighed with a frown and a nod. "Okay, then what can I do?"

"Just keep living your life like this. Is life so hard the way it is?"

"No." he whimpered "No.. Of course not, I just want to prove myself faster."

"Things like this don't just happen overnight."

Deku nodded sadly, looking at her and huffing, "Okay." he stood up, looking at her with a sigh

"What now?" he asked taking his gloves off his hand

"You can work, if you want to." she replied, "I just wanted to make sure you weren't making room to embalm her."

Deku frowned, rolling his eyes "I actually do have room here for a body, if needed, but I would never do that to Tenya."

Ochaco frowned. "Huh."

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