Bad Blood

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{cw razor blades used as a weapon in this chapter}

Ochaco frowned as she got home with her friends and Deku didn't greet her.

"Toshynori?" she said softly

"I am here."

"Where is Deku?" she asked softly

"He is out."

Ochaco's heart sank, had he gone to meet with one of his clients? Was he safe? Her eyes rested on her toes as she tried to think.
"Pull security cam footage from the time he left the premises." She asked softly,

"Yes Future Mrs Midoriya."

Ochaco blushed, he had called her Ochaco before, that was not the point. She saw Deku standing in the corner, pointing a gun towards a shadowed figure before inexplicably falling to the floor. She frowned, cocking her head to the side, Deku seemed to be unconscious as the figure crept towards him, before picking him up and carrying him out the door. She felt tears coming to her eyes as she called her friends into the room with her.

"Someone took Deku!" she whimpered, "Toshinori, replay the footage."

"Yes Future Mrs. Midoriya." Ochaco swallowed a sob as Tsu cocked her head to the side

"Does Deku usually work in the dark?"

Ochaco shook her head "No." She murmured

"So they cut the power?" Mina asked

"No, because then Toshynori wouldn't have gotten the video." Ochaco murmured

Tsu frowned, "I've been tailing a villain whose quirk seems to be electronic, he has used Deku's machines in the past, so my guess is that Deku made Toshinori immune to his quirk, but not the lights in the house."

Ochaco nodded sadly, but she hugged herself "What do you know about this person?"

Mina frowned "Are you talking about the mechanic Tsu?"

Tsu nodded

Mina frowned, "I thought that was just Deku."

"Me too." Tsu replied "Until I had a conversation with Deku. I think he was probably just supplying weapons for him."

Mina nodded, looking at Ochaco.

"Deku didn't do anything, he just made weapons and distributed them" she murmured

Mina frowned, it made sense that he would fall victim to one of his clients if he refused to make things for them, she supposed she was wrong about him. She looked at Ochaco and sighed, wiping her eyes.
"It's going to be okay! We're going to find him, we have a lead."

Ochaco nodded sadly "I'm just worried he's already dead."

"Deku's vitals look good." Toshynori replied

Ochaco's eyes lit up "You know how Deku is doing?"

"I have been programmed to keep Deku safe at all times."

"Why did you let him be taken?"

"Deku has given me instructions not to kill, I had no way to disarm Haru that wasn't lethal."

Ochaco nodded, wiping her eyes "Do you know who took him."

"Of course I know who took him. He was one of Deku's regular clients."

Mina frowned "We need a name!"

"That's confidential."

"Can I have the name?" Ochaco asked softly

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