Why They Lost Their Minds And Fought The Wars

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Deku held Ochaco's hand tight as he drove to the restaurant he had chosen to go to with Ochaco and her ex boyfriend. He smiled at her, glancing at her face, she had such a big smile on her face. He wondered if she was thinking about Ingenium, he was sure Ingenium was a thousand times cooler than him. She looked at him and wrinkled her nose, sighing as she moved her hand to run her fingers through his hair. He smiled, leaning into her hand as he parked in front of the restaurant. He looked at her for a long moment, before kissing her deeply, Ochaco moaned softly against his lips, straining her neck as she kissed him back. He pulled away, smirking at her.

    "You want to ditch this and go home to-"
    "You want Ingenium to run through our wall while we're having sex?" 

    "Fair point." Deku sighed, rolling his eyes

    Ochaco sighed, getting out of the car, Deku got out, going around and slipping an arm around her side, pulling her close and walking inside with her. He sighed, eyes scanning the room for Ingenium, assuming he would be in the center of the room telling a story about something bad ass he did.

    "Maybe he's running a little late."

    "Actually you are five minutes late."

    Deku frowned, turning around and sighing when he saw a tall man in a gray tuxedo with a pink pocket hankie and sakura boutonniere. Deku frowned, wondering if this was Ingenium's bodyguard or something. Did pro heroes have those?

    "Look I'm sorry! We got held up in the car, but is he still here?"

    "What do you mean?"

    "Tenya" Ochaco wrapped her arms around her friend and grinned

    "Uraraka!" He hugged her back, looking at Deku who seemed to withdraw. This was Ingenium? What was he wearing? Deku's fist clenched at his side as he watched them exchange pleasantries, he was trying not to, but he couldn't help but feel a bit insecure. He grinned when Ochaco nodded towards him.

    "This is my boyfriend Izuku."

    "Ah yes, Izuku Midoriya." Iida held his hand out and Deku shook it awkwardly. Deku sighed, he could see in Iida's eyes that he didn't approve.

    "Ingenium, I'm a big fan, is your suit the same as your brother's?" Deku smiled when he saw Iida's eyes light up

    "Similar, yes, but enhancements were made by a friend."

    Deku nodded "Huh. You think I could pick your brain about it some time? I'm a huge fan of tech.."

    Iida nodded "perhaps, yes." he sighed, glancing at Ochaco before gesturing towards their table. Deku smiled as he grabbed Ochaco's side again and went to sit next to her. He felt himself beginning to relax as Ochaco's fingers intertwined with his under the table. He gazed at her, a gentle huff escaping his lips as he rested his head on his hand. She was talking to Ingenium, he had no idea what they were talking about, he just knew he was in her presence, and it was so warm.

    "What are you wearing?" Ochaco asked Iida with a playful smile, "It looks like the suit you wore to prom."

    "It is that very suit."


    "I thought, if Midoriya was using some sort of mind control.. Perhaps if I wore this suit, it would help bring you back."

    Ochaco giggled, looking at her shoes, and shaking her head

    "Why would the suit you wore to prom help with mind control?"

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