Black, Blue and Tender

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Ochaco frowned as she heard Deku's voice, she turned around, seeing a green mop of hair in the distance, blinded by tears as she ran into traffic, sprinting through the street to the sounds of horns and curse words, falling to her knees when she got to her Deku. She cried silently, grabbing his head in her hands.

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry." She sobbed, "I love you so much I never-I never would have thought you would get hurt while you were at home! I never should have let you go home." his face was puffy and purple, he was bleeding, she sighed as her friends made it to their side

"We should get him to the hospital." Ochaco whimpered, Froppy nodded as Ochaco lifted him gently in her arms, kissing his forehead. He whined softly in pain, trying his best to say conscious, Mina sighed

"Should we grab all of these weapons?"

"Please." Deku whined, "Please bring my babies. I'm sorry I can't carry them myself."

Mina nodded, picking a few of them up, and Froppy picked up the rest of them. Ochaco sighed, kissing Deku's forehead

"Please just take me home, I don't want the hospital. Toshinori has gotten me through worse  than this."

"No Deku. You're going to the hospital."

"No! Please! I don't like hospitals! Please just take me home!"

Ochaco frowned "O-okay. I'll take care of you." She murmured Deku smiled at her sadly, but she couldn't really tell because of the swelling on his face. She sighed, sitting with him at the bus stop before loading onto the bus she smiled politely at people, staring at three pro heroes and, what probably looked like a body on the bus.

"Don't worry." Ochaco murmured "This is my boyfriend. He's going to be just fine!" Deku whined in pain as he made himself wave. Tsu and Mina sighed, awkwardly trying to hide all of the weapons in their laps. Ochaco sighed, running her hands through his hair. They got to Deku's house and Ochaco carried him inside.

"Toshinori." She yelled as she stepped inside, Mina and Tsu following close behind, carrying Deku's inventions.

"Assess Deku's injuries please."

"Several shallow cuts on his knuckles, arms and ankles, a minor break in his right wrist and elbow, shallow cuts on his face."

Ochaco frowned, "Can I wrap it?" She murmured

"Allow me, Future Mrs. Midoriya."

Ochaco blushed, she wondered when she would get used to that. Deku also blushed

"Do you like it?" he asked softly, "I was hoping you would like it."

Ochaco nodded, "it's really sweet." She murmured, "I love it."

"So you'll marry me?"

"Deku." Ochaco sighed, "I think this is something we can talk about after you're better, okay?"
Deku nodded "Okay. Fine." he grumbled

Mina sighed, she supposed this guy might just be a cheese ball rather than an abuser. He had just gotten his shit rocked in order to keep a promise he made to Ochaco.

Toshinori finished putting a cast on Deku's right arm, he wanted to cry, he was going to have to learn to build things with his left arm now. He huffed, looking at Ochaco with a sigh. He was handling the care like a champ, Toshinori had patched him up from worse before, he had really only needed help getting back because he wanted to get his babies home with him, but it was also nice not to have had to limp home with his eyes swollen shut, with blood in his eyes. It was nice to be carried home by the love of his life. It was nice to feel like the pain he was in mattered, and that it wasn't the result of some terrible decision he made, or just his head getting too hot, no these wounds were gained valiantly, fighting for something that was actually worth something. Something that someone else cared about. It was nice being taken care of and fussed over by human hands, rather than the robot ones he had made to take care of him. He looked at Ochaco and sighed.

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