They Might As Well Be Looking At Us

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Deku looked at Ochaco sadly, icing her feet as he looked at Froppy.

    "I swear I just-I didn't-"

    Froppy nodded, looking at her friend and sighing, Deku had seemed so much more precise from the other inventions of his she had encountered, she wondered how this had happened, but she didn't think he was malicious. She thought he made a mistake.

    Ochaco sighed "I'm fine. Just let me go back to my desk." she murmured, Deku kissed her forehead

    "I love you, but I don't think you should be on your feet right now."

    Ochaco sighed, kissing Deku's forehead.

    "Everything is fine, you can calm down."

    "No, I made a bad impression on your friend! I hurt you! I am doing terribly!" he whimpered, burying his face in his hands and starting to cry.

    Ochaco frowned, running her fingers through his hair with a sigh.

    "Everything is fine. Okay? It's all going to be okay."

    Deku looked at her and nodded, kissing her gently and wrapping his arms around her.

    Froppy sighed, looking at him "You know, I've hurt Ochaco too."

    "R-really?" Froppy was a pro hero, how could she have been so careless as to hurt Uraraka.

    "Yeah. I gave her a concussion. I was focusing on saving the civilian, and I threw a rock right at her. Sometimes we're so focused on one thing, we forget about other things."

    Deku frowned, looking at Ochaco's feet. "Everyone knows you're a good person, Froppy. No one thought that you did it on purpose."

    "Actually, people thought she tried to hurt me because she was jealous." Ochaco murmured.

    Deku frowned, the cards were stacked against him and he was terrified and finding out that Froppy had gotten in trouble for hurting Ochaco actually did not help his anxiety in the slightest. He kissed Ochaco gently, pressing his forehead to hers sadly.

    "I'm sorry. I'm so very very sorry." He whimpered
    "It's okay, Deku. I love you."

    Deku nodded sadly, just holding her, and closing his eyes. He frowned as he heard Bakugo come in.

    "The fuck is going on?" he looked at the ceiling and sighed, looking at Deku and then at Ochaco's feet.

    "Rocket boots?"


    Bakugo sighed and rolled his eyes

"I wasn't going to have her on the streets anyways." he looked at Ochaco with a huff, "just get her to her desk." He sighed. Deku nodded, trying to pick up Ochaco, she sighed

    "Deku. I can just float to my office."

    "No! I can carry you."

    "You cannot."

    Deku groaned, getting her onto his shoulder and picking her up with a whimper. Ochaco began to try and make herself weightless anyways, but Deku shook his head

    "No! I can carry you to your office."

    Ochaco sighed, "okay."

    Deku nodded, carrying her to her office across the hall and putting her into her chair.

    "What was that?"

    "I didn't want Kacchan and Froppy to think I'm weak."

    "Katsuki left after I said I could float to my office."

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