A Sunday Kind Of Love

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 Deku smiled weakly as he watched Ochacho eat her dinner, he sighed softly before yawning and looking at the tv screen.

"Are you feeling better?"

Ochaco nodded her head "Yeah." she murmured "I-I've thought about it, and I'm not ashamed. I love you, you're a good person, and anyone who has a problem with us dating doesn't matter."

Deku's heart soared, though he had a nagging feeling that this would probably go away as soon as they were seen together in public again. He pushed the thoughts away, kissing her forehead and holding her in his arms.

"Are you tired? I was thinking, maybe I could look at your suit tonight."

Ochaco nodded with a soft smile "Okay," she murmured, throwing the box her food had been in away and climbing out her bed with a sigh.

Deku smiled at her as she grabbed it out of one of her drawers. Deku looked at it and blushed, he suspected it would be hard for him to act professional when he saw her in it. Ochaco laughed softly and rolled her eyes.


"N-no I just.. I like superhero costumes." He blushed

Ochaco laughed, "well, you're going to have to get used to being around people in hero costumes, especially me."

Deku nodded, "Y-yeah- of course. I'm excited to see it."

Ochaco smiled, putting her costume on. Deku smiled at her, taking her hand and leading her down to his lab. His face was red, he seemed flustered.

Ochaco laughed, "we've slept together twice, Deku." she purred

Deku sighed, looking at her costume and sighing.

"C-can you tell me what it has in it to help you? I uh.. I would like to give you robotic wings, or rocket boots maybe, and a helmet uh.."

Ochaco smiled at him and nodded, showing him her grappling hooks inside of her gauntlets, he smiled, nodding, "those are nice, t-tomorrow we'll take you somewhere you can show me how they work."

Ochaco nodded, looking at him as she huffed.

"Do you like the heels on the boots? And how skin tight it is?"

She frowned "I mean.. I don't dislike them, but I would be okay with it if you drew up some new ideas for me."

Deku nodded "I might."

Ochaco smiled at him and looked at the floor, he was so cute when he was flustered. "Do you want to take it off?" she purred, pressing a kiss to his forehead.

Deku looked at her and huffed, more than anything, he thought, but he had to be professional.

"After. I-I want to get your suit enhanced as quickly as I can so that we can show people that I'm serious about turning this around."

Ochaco nodded, smiling at him as she bounced on her toes.

Deku looked at her boots and sighed, "So Kacchan said you could return to work whenever you want, but uh.. Maybe I can have the rest of the week to make enhancements. Oh yeah. Yeah Kacchan said he's sorry and you can go back to work if you want, or take the rest of the week off."

Ochaco nodded her head "I can take the week to help you with my suit." she murmured

Deku smiled at her and nodded "Sounds great." He slipped his arms around her gently, pecking her lips. Ochaco smiled at him with a sigh.

"Didn't your older costume have a helmet?"

"Yeah." she murmured

"I'll design you another one." he smiled softly, "maybe some cute constellations on your sleeves, or some kind of print." he smiled softly. "We'll figure it out."

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