Who Needs Press Training?

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Ochaco smiled softly at Deku as he dressed himself, he smiled back at her, leaning over and gently pecked her lips.

"I think Bakugo arrested the guy who attacked you." Ochaco murmured, wishing it made her feel better, but she mostly just never wanted him to leave her sight again.

"I'm worried about you." she murmured, Deku frowned at her, cocking his head to the side "Kirbs, I've always had a target on my back. Only thing that has changed is I have more defenses now." He shrugged "And more to defend." He smirked, kissing her gently

"Doesn't that hurt?"

"Not too much, I've had lots of broken bones in my lifetime." Deku laughed softly,

Ochaco sighed, "What now?" She murmured, "Do you need to get you anything?"
Deku laughed, shaking his head. "You're adorable. You really don't need to worry. I've been on my own forever, having you here to lighten the load a little is more than enough." He kissed her forehead gently.

Ochaco grinned at him, wrinkling her nose as she bounced on her toes.

"I love you so much." he murmured

"I love you too." she replied as he pressed a kiss to the top of her head. Ochaco put on some pajamas and crawled into bed, and Deku climbed in beside her, huffing as she slipped her arms around him. They fell asleep early.

It was four am when Toshinori alerted Deku to Katsuki's presence. Deku groaned, as Ochaco got to her feet.

"Stay in bed, okay? I'll bring him up."
She got out of bed with a groan, going down the stairs to open the door for Katsuki

"Hi." She said softly, cocking her head to the side, "you know, Deku upped his security system quite a bit last night. You could have called before you just showed up."

"Is he okay?"

"He's fine. Do you want to see him?"

"Is he awake?"

"He is now." Ochaco sighed, leading him into the house where Deku was brewing tea for everyone. Ochaco frowned

"I told you to stay in bed."

"And I decided I wanted tea." Deku smiled at Bakugo "You want any Kacchan?"

"Do you have any Cinnamon stick?"

Deku nodded, handing Ochaco some strawberry tea and starting on Katsuki's.

"Thanks Dekukun." Ochaco sighed as she sipped at her tea.

Katsuki frowned, "You're doing good."

Deku nodded, "Not the first time I've been beaten within an inch of my life." He reminded them "I'm really fine."

Ochaco sighed, looking at her boyfriend with a shake of her head

"I love you." She murmured "I don't know how you haven't died already."

Deku shrugged his shoulders as he sipped his tea.

Ochaco huffed "So you put the engineer behind bars."

"Yeah. He was unconscious when I got there."

Deku nodded "My sleepy time blades."

Bakugo nodded "I checked every hospital in the area for you, before hearing about three pro heroes transporting a green haired corpse on the damn bus. The hell is wrong with you four?"

"Deku didn't want to go to the hospital."

"I've ridden the bus with injuries before."

"Not with three pro heroes. Draws attention."

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