The Lavender Haze

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 Deku grinned at Ochaco as she slipped on her revamped suit, he had never been so proud of anything in his life.

"You look amazing." He murmured, kissing between her eyes

Ochaco smiled at him and looked at her feet, "Yeah? I agree, it looks amazing!" She slipped her arms around Deku and pressed a kiss to his head, Deku blushed, hugging her close and nuzzling her face.

"Ready to go?"

Ochaco nodded, "You're going to stick around base all day?"

Deku nodded his head "I'm worried that your boots will malfunction. I tried to get them as fast as I could, they're temporary until we get the wings done, but I want to be there if they malfunction." Deku sighed

"Actually.. Maybe you shouldn't wear them." he frowned, cocking his head to the side

"I'm sure it will be okay." She murmured, "I trust you!" She kissed him gently as she put them on her feet, Deku looked at them, concern written all over his face. He looked up at her and it melted away, he kissed her cheek.

"I was thinking we could take my car today." she murmured,

Deku shook his head "That thing is a death trap. If you don't want to take black beauty then we can take the bus."

Ochaco sighed "We'll take your car then."

Deku nodded with a grin, grabbing his keys and heading out the door with Ochaco's hand in his. He opened the car door for her before climbing into the driver's side.

"Toshynori. Status on Ochaco?"

"Ochaco Uraraka. Status: stable."

Deku grinned "thank you!" he looked at Ochaco's eyes and kissed her forehead "You can ask him whatever you want."

"Can I ask him about your safety?" She murmured

Deku nodded once, blushing a little "Yes. y-you can." he murmured, kissing her gently, he never thought he would have someone in his life who would care if he lived or died. He drove her to Bakugo's agency, stepping out of the car and holding her hand as they walked inside together. He tensed as he saw all of the glares from the proheroes around the building, and heard the whispers. It took everything in him not to get defensive and angry. He deserved all of it. He had hurt everyone here in some way, and now here he was, hand in hand with a person they cared about. She was wearing tech with his name on it, marks on her he had left. Their disdain was understandable. Pinky came up to them, a big smile on her face.

"Hey girl! Heard you've had one hell of a weekend!" she looked Deku up and down in a way that made him feel two inches tall.

"Y-yeah." Ochaco murmured, "I fell in love."

Pinky looked concerned "In three days?"

"It sounds silly, but yeah.." Ochaco murmured

"It sounds impossible babe."

"I thought so too,b-but it's what happened." She murmured

Mina looked at Deku, and at Ochaco's new suit, it sounded like mind control to her, but Bakugo was her boss, and he trusted Deku for some reason, so she couldn't do anything about it, not yet anyways.

"Do you, I guess." Mina shrugged, going back to her office. Deku smiled at Ochaco weakly, as they went to her office and sat at her desk. She typed on her computer for a while.

"What are you doing?" Deku murmured

"Just answering emails." she murmured

Deku nodded with a sigh, resting his head on his hands.

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