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Deku stood at the podium with a frown, "H-hello everyone, I'm sorry for the appearance of my shirt, I got nervous and my nose bled down it. I'm not very good at public speaking so-so uh.. Bare with me please." he looked around, hands shaking wanting to pass out.

    "My name is Izuku Midoriya. I am the green haired corpse that was seen being transported by Uravity, Froppy and Pinky by bus. I uh.. They were rescuing me, I was abducted, and they were taking me back to my home. I know it's odd, they heard my screams from Och-Uravity's house and came to rescue me as good samaritans, I refused medical care, so they transported me by bus to my home where Uravity nursed me and my wounds." He stared forward with a sigh  "I uh.. Have also been known as Deku." The crowd got louder suddenly, he put his hands over his ears, tears falling from his eyes, he was overstimulated, he couldn't think at all.

    "I have created weapons that have hurt people, but I-I just- that was never my intention. I only ever meant for my babies to help people, I-I'm not sure when I lost sight of that, but I'm going to fix it. I've already begun to-to work on projects for Uravity and for Dynamite, and I am going to try and fix the damage I have caused and then some. I don't expect forgiveness, not right away, I just hope to clear up some of the confusion." he trembled, no one was listening, he had hurt so many people, a lot of people thought he should be in jail, and maybe he should be. He thought about telling them about his relationship with Ochaco, but he didn't want the crowd to turn on her. He put his hands in his pockets, stepping back from the podium, he wouldn't be taking questions he couldn't think. He wanted Ochaco, when she wrapped her arms around him he pulled away. She frowned,

    "I don't want to ruin your image any further." He whimpered

    Ochaco shook her head, "You're getting better. You're helping people. Everyone will see that soon enough." She kissed his forehead and ruffled his hair. Deku collapsed in her arms, letting her hold him as he trembled. Ochaco sighed as Katsuki took the podium, giving her the okay to take Deku home. She got him in the car and drove them home. Tenya texted her, telling her he would be there to check in that night. She texted him a thank you before getting him to their home and leading him inside.

    "You did good." She murmured

    Deku looked at her with a frown "Thanks. Please just.. Don't make me watch the news." He took his suit off,

    "Do you think Tenya would mind if I keep that? It might be nice to wear it for special occasions."

    Ochaco nodded, "I'll get the blood out of it if you want to give it to me." Deku took the suit off and handed it to her, cocking his head to the side as he watched her scrub at the stains in his sink. He had never cared about clothes and his appearance enough to get the blood out of them.


    "I am here."

    "Add Ochaco's methods to getting out stains to your database." Ochaco shouldn't have to remove stains when he had an ai system for doing chores.

    Deku looked at his girlfriend with a soft smile before huffing

    "Do you have any ideas for projects I could do for Japan that would help my reputation?

    "I don't know right now, Deku. We'll talk about it with Tenya and Katsuki tonight."

    Deku nodded "I guess I could work on your angel wings, or maybe-"
    "I would like it if you would rest."

    "The only thing that is going to relax me is work." he sighed

    Ochaco nodded her head, looking at him before hanging his dress shirt up to dry.

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