Got Lovesick All Over My Bed

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Deku sighed, trying to focus on her head on his shoulder, her hand on his knee, the soft snores escaping her lips, how could something demand more of his attention than her? His hand ran down her side, a soft smile on his lips as he thought about how he was going to apologize to Kacchan, and scarier still, ask for his help. He heard Tenya clear his throat and his mind snapped back to dinner. 

    "That's Uraraka for you, every time she eats a big dinner , she falls asleep."

    Deku smiled softly, "Good to know." he looked over at her and grinned

    Tenya smiled in return with a nod of his head.  It was hard to believe the man sitting across from him was responsible for such turmoil, he was so small, and he was so kind to Ochaco, so gentle. He seemed like a fine person.    

    Deku sighed softly, staring at Ochaco for a long moment.

    "Do you want me to carry her to your car?" Iida murmured, "I've done it many times."

    Deku nodded "Y-yeah. That would be great, thanks." he was thinking about trying to do it himself, but he knew he couldn't. He kissed her gently before sighing as Iida lifted her bridal style into his arms and followed Deku out to his car. Iida frowned as he gave the car a once over.

    "Mei wanted to make a car very similar to this one.. She asked me for funds."

    Deku nodded "The BatMobile. I uh.. I used to really like Batman."

    "Well, it would seem you have something in common with the girl I am speaking to."
    Deku smiled, "You're speaking to someone?"

    "Not super seriously, but yes."

    Deku grinned, "Good for you, Ingenium."

    "Tenya." Iida replied

    Deku nodded, "Tenya."

    Deku sighed softly, looking at Ochaco, sleeping in his car, he hoped he was looking at his future, he would do anything to get to keep her in his life. He sighed

    "I'm going to get her to bed." Deku murmured, smiling, Iida sighed

    "Of course. It's been a pleasure, Midoriya."

    "Pleasure's all mine." Deku sighed, shaking Iida's hand before slipping into his car and driving back to the house he now shared with her. He looked at her and frowned, he didn't want to wake her, but he definitely could not carry her to their room. He needed to start hitting the gym. He gently shook her

    "Chaco.." he sighed "chaco.."

    Ochaco groaned, opening her eyes and sighing,

    "Sorry, I didn't mean to."

    "It's okay. Let's go to bed." Ochaco nodded, climbing out of the car and yawning, Deku sighed, slipping an arm around her and helping her to their room.

    "Allmight!" she giggled as she climbed under his quilt, Deku smiled at the floor

    "He'll help me keep you warm tonight." He murmured, watching her climb into the bed and sighing as he curled up with her. She smiled and curled against his chest. Deku gazed at her for a long moment, she was wearing her dress and her boots, but he wasn't going to wake her again. He sat up with a sigh, taking off his shoes and curling back up with her. She wriggled a bit with a whimper, Deku smiled at her, resting his head on top of hers and just holding her. He stared at his wall, knuckles hurting as his eyes passed over a couple of the holes he had punched into his wall over the years. Deku sighed, he was exhausted, but he knew he would be calling Kacchan in the morning, and so he wouldn't be getting a wink of sleep tonight. He looked at Ochaco's head, pressing a kiss to it and running his fingers through her hair.

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