Chapter 3

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"Your girlfriend is here and I guess she doesn't like waiting."

"My girlfriend? What's her name? Diane, Jenny, Mia?"

"What? How many girlfriends do you have?"

"None! I've told them all many times, outside of the bedroom, we're barely acquaintances."

"Well, what do you want me to do?"

"Just get rid of her."

"Can I at least get a please?"

Raising his eyebrows, he said cockily, "Please."


"I don't know, come up with something. I'm sure you're eager to impress your new boss with quick thinking."


I return to find the "girlfriend" still waiting by my desk. "I'm so sorry, Mr. Howard isn't available to see you right now."

"Please! What could be more important than seeing me?"

"He's seeing his wife right now."

"His what?!"

"Oh, he didn't tell you? It's their seventh wedding anniversary today."

"He's been married for 7 years ?! Why does this keep happening to me?"


"Wait until I get hold of him! He'll wish I never existed!" She finally leaves my office, her heels clicking down the hallway. He sure knows how to pick his women. Just as she leaves, there's another set of steps behind me. By the smell of his cologne, I know it's Greyson before I even turn around. "Alright, I'm here. Where is she?"

"She left."

"Already? How did you manage that?"

"I told her your wife was visiting."

"You did what?!"

"I apologize for any angry messages you might receive later."

"Wait... She actually bought that?"

"Of course. I can be very convincing when necessary."

"Hmm, I should remember that. Aside from you damaging my name, you did well to get her to leave. Thank you."

"You're welcome." For one second, my arrogant boss looks almost relieved. But it doesn't last long.

"Well, now. It's almost 5, you may as well finish up. I hope your first day has been satisfying. Barely. "It has been interesting. I'll pack up my things and see you tomorrow."

"Sure. See you tomorrow, Jocelyn."

Later that evening...

What a day. And now my sister is texting me. Chloe: Hey! How was your first day?

Jocelyn: honestly? disappointing. my boss is full of himself and treats me like his personal secretary.

Chloe: oh :( I'm sorry. Show them you're smart, k?

Jocelyn: u can bet on it. I put my phone down and sighed. Time to face reality. Day after day, I'll have to work for that arrogant asshole. And try to ignore how he makes me want to climb on his desk and let him have me. Damn. That night, I dream about Greyson. I'm naked, and we're kissing, but I'm confused because he's still in his suit. "Take off your clothes," I say, tugging at his tie.

"No. This is how I do business." He lowers his lips down on my neck, gently biting it, moving lower... I moan when he begins sucking on my breasts, while one of his hands slide across my hip, moving to my inner thigh. I moan in pleasure and reach for him. And I pull at his shirt, ripping it in the process. He grabs my hands and moves to whisper in my ear, "Bad move. I'll have to take this out of your paycheck." And that's when I wake up.

Holy shit, I can't believe I dreamt I was in bed with Greyson I feel like I haven't slept at all. But first I need to decide what to wear. I grab a longer sweater, throw on a pair of tighter dress slacks, a dress shirt exposing a little too much cleavage and top it off with a sparkly necklace. Perfect. I'll definitely catch his attention today.

I wonder what jobs have been lined up for me today. More photocopying and filing reports? Maybe coffee making? My phone goes off. It's Greyson. My office, now. Bring a pen. He's probably going to ask me to organize his hookup schedule. "Do you know much about family law?"

"Good morning to you too.

"We have a client who got divorced 4 years ago and wants legal advice about custody over his daughter. He's a big name in the pharmaceutical industry; his company owns some of the leading brand names. So this could bring up a high-profile case. We have a meeting this morning with him."


"Yes. I'll need you to sit in and take notes."

Finally, something relevant. "I can do that."

"Now let me find that damn paperwork. I could have sworn I left it here. Don't tell me I forgot it at home. I NEVER forget things."

He looks tired. "Are you okay? You look a little tired today."

"I didn't get much sleep last night."

"Me neither." I raise an eyebrow, letting him think about it. He blinks a few times and a dark gaze settles over his eyes as he looks at me. "When is this meeting?"

"30 minutes, but he got here early. So we're running late. He's waiting in the meeting room. Let's go."

Our client turns out to be a pretty attractive man in his late thirties, who greets us without a hint of impatience. "Good morning, Mr. Jones."

"Please, just call me Byron."

"Sure. Byron. This is my assistant, Jocelyn."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Jocelyn."

"And you."

A pleasure, huh? And did he just wink at her? Gabriel thought to himself. "So, what can we help you with?"

"My ex-wife and I divorced 4 years ago, after I found her sleeping with one of her co-workers. Shortly after that, they decided to elope to Spain, leaving me full custody of our daughter, Melany. I don't know if you've looked through my life, but I have a load of assets. My company is worth close to 1 billion dollars. she is not 17, and on her eighteenth birthday, she will have full access to her trust fund. This isn't a small trust fund- 30 million dollars to be exact. So, you can imagine my surprise when I found out my ex-wife is moving back to the states and plans to fight for full custody of Melany... Right before her birthday."

"I see. You suspect her intentions aren't good?"

"I think she's a gold-digging woman. I've spent 4 years as a single dad, looking after her. With no more than a phone call from her mother on birthdays and Christmas. She thinks I don't see right through her?"

"And your daughter?" "She's psyched over the idea to see her mother again. I don't want to upset her by saying she's only after her trust fund. I was hoping you and your beautiful assistant could help me."

Inappropriate much? "We'll look over your things then we'll contact you once we have a recommendation."

"Great. Well, you have my number. I assume you do most of your communications through your assistant?" Byron looks at me and smiles. "So, I look forward to hearing from you, Jocelyn."

"Oh, I'm sure we won't be strangers, sir."

"I hope not."

That was definitely a wink! "I think we've got what we need, Mr. Jones."

Jealous much, Greyson? I smirked.

"If you step outside, the secretary will show you the way out."

"Thanks." The moment Byron leaves, I sigh at my boss.

"Are you always that stern with your clients?"

"Only the ones who spend the whole time checking out my assistant."

Haha! Jealous! "Bring your notes to my office so we can get started." With a scowl, he storms out, leaving me to gather all of the papers and follow him. I definitely got under his skin. Good.

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