Chapter 17

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I expected my return to work with Greyson to be awkward but instead, he's been perfectly patient and respectful. I'm impressed, but somehow also disappointed. He really kept to his word of maintaining a professional attitude.

"Good progress today, Jocelyn. Your report was amazing. It was exactly what I wanted."

Holy shit, a rare compliment from the boss... "Thank you, I appreciate that. Any updates on Byron's case?"

"I wasn't able to contact his ex-wife today. According to the investigator, she may have left Spain entirely."

"Why? Where would she go? Our court date is approaching. Doesn't she need to be in the country to meet with her lawyers?"

"Exactly. We need to find out what she has up her sleeve."

"Could she be coming here? What if she's planning to sabotage our case?"

"I doubt it. Interfering with a fair trial wouldn't look good in front of the judge. But we can't be so sure. You're still on good terms with Melany, right?"

"Yes, she invited me to her piano recital next week."

"Great. Keep an eye out for any clues that could help us."

"I'll do my best. See you tomorrow."

"Keep up the good work." He leaves to his office, and I go back to my computer screen, unaware at that point that I'm being watched.

Kelly stood outside her office listening. Jocelyn and Greyson seem to be getting on better these days. I heard their case is going well...which is terrible news. Over my dead body will I let him take the partner job away from me.

*Later that week: What a beautiful spring morning! And it's not just any old day. I got a text from my sister.

Chloe: Happy birthday, sis!

Jocelyn: Please, don't remind me.

Chloe: Are you at work today?

Jocelyn: Yes, it's Thursday, after all.

Chloe: Okay, well put on your best dress, because I'm taking you out for a birthday drink afterward!

Jocelyn: I'm already excited! you should come out with a couple of my friends and I afterward.

Chloe: I can't my next exam is coming up, but I'll definitely see you after work.

Jocelyn: cool, see you then!

After work drinks would be fun with my sister. I should choose an outfit for work that's birthday-worthy. After putting on a silky jumpsuit, I smiled. I love this! It makes me feel like real birthday girl! And it'll look great for going out!

"Good morning, Jocelyn."

"Morning, Kelly." I wonder what she wants today.

"I just came to say happy birthday."

"You did?"

"Yes and... I'm sorry. It wasn't fair of me to confront you like how I did the other day. As your ex-mentor, I just feel protective over you. I hope you can understand."

"I appreciate the apology."

"Good! Because I'd love to take you out for lunch for your birthday."

"That sounds nice, actually." We're interrupted by a deep, sexy voice.

"Jocelyn, it's your birthday?"

"Good morning, Mr. Howard. I didn't see you there. Yes, it is."

"Happy birthday! If I'd have known, I would have..."

"Given me the day off?"


"Bought me something?"


"A birthday cake?"

"I would have attached an e-card to the task list I just emailed you. "


"There's no time to rest with our court date coming up fast."

"Give the girl a break, Greyson."

"I'm sorry, I actually WANT to win our case. I know that's a concept you're not used to."

"All you boys care about is winning. You don't care who you violate on your way up."

"Violate? I like the sound of that." He cocks his eyebrow is clear provocation.

"Ugh." Kelly frowns in frustration. "You really don't possess an ounce of common decency."

"I say what I must to achieve the desired effect. And apparently, it's working."

Oh no, I don't want any drama today! If we could all smooth out the differences, work would be so much more enjoyable. Maybe I could work my magic by inviting him to lunch with Kelly and I. Celebrating my birthday with him would make things more exciting. And she'd see that he's not as bad as he seems.

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