Chapter 16

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We drive Melany back to her house where Byron is already expecting us. I decide to walk her to the door while Greyson waits in the car. I want to walk her to the door because I want to make sure she gets back safely.

I press the doorbell, waiting...and a thrilled Byron opens the door. "Melany! Thank god you're okay! I can't believe you just disappeared like that!"

"I know. I'm sorry, dad. I shouldn't have run away."

"Come inside and wait for me in your room. We need to have a long conversation about what happened."


"And Jocelyn, thank you so much for bringing her back. You went above and beyond for someone who's just a client."

"You're not just a client" sir."

"Good. Because you're not "just a lawyer" either."

"I'm not?"

"No. You're a lawyer who also owes me a date."

"Right. Your text from the other day."

"I hope I'm not crossing a line. No, scratch that. I hope I AM crossing a line."

"It might just be your lucky day, because Melany already set us up."

"She did?"

"She asked me to join you at her piano recital."

"Wow. So she already roped you into spending an evening with me. I might just have to be a little more lenient on her in that case."


"I'll message you with the details. And thanks again for finding Melany."

"No problem. I'll see you again soon."

"Yes, you will."

I head back toward Greyson's car. The evening has darkened, but even in the dim light from the street, I can see him watching me.

Did he see Byron flirting with me? Could he guess? Whatever it is, he's clearly in deep thought about something. I playfully pat his shoulder to snap him out of it.

"We did it!"

"Did what?"

"We got Melany home."

"Oh, right."

He's been quiet all evening... "What's on your mind? You look lost in thought."

"I suppose I am. I was just thinking about today's events." He pauses, avoiding my gaze. "I haven't been treating you fairly. I'm attracted to you, Jocelyn. There's no point denying it. And I shouldn't be punishing you for it. It wasn't fair of me to give you an impossible list of tasks this morning. Or to compromise your position by trying to seduce you afterwards. I was crazy to even consider replacing you. Do you know you're the best assistant I've ever had?"

"I am?"

"Yes. Look at the way you handled Melany tonight. I was impressed. She even apologized to me. I wasn't really expecting that! I've been impressed with you for a while, actually. You're going to make on hell of a lawyer. It was wrong of me to try and jeopardize your future at the firm. I guess what I'm really trying to say is, I'm sorry."

I sure as hell didn't expect him to apologize! And with such sincerity. "Thank you, Greyson. I appreciate everything you've just said. It would be nice if we could just start over."

"I know we'll have to keep things professional from now on. But I can't help but want to kiss you one last time." His eyes glisten as he looks hard and long into mine.

God damn it. Those eyes. I could melt for those beautiful, deep eyes. The smell of his expensive cologne is enough to turn my brain into Jello. I want to kiss him. But do I have the courage. "Do it. Kiss me." My voice is nearly a whisper, but he still hears me.

"Thank God." He leans in and pushes the hair off my face. His face lingers inches from mine for what felt like forever. His eyes drift between mine, then to my lips. My body begins to ache for him, wanting and needing his touch.

I reach up to touch his face, wanting to feel the roughness of his stubble against my hand but he grabs my wrist in perfect timing and pulls me toward his body.

"It drives me crazy when you look at me like that. As if you want me more than anything or anyone. As if you're ready to have me right here and now. As if you desire every inch of me."

His lips brush against mine as he speaks. "Damn. How will I stop wanting you?"

Unable to hold out any longer, I press my mouth to his. My lips part to allow his tongue to connect with mine. I free my wrists from his grip and run my hands through his hair. I hear him growl in response, his entire body tensing under my touch.

His hands slide down my waist, down my hips, then settle on my ass. He pulls me close, and I can feel he's getting hard. I gasp, opening my mouth wider, welcoming his tongue deeper. Our kiss is becoming more heated and passionate by the second.

If we don't stop now, I know where this will be heading. "Jocelyn, I want you. Your place or mine?"

"We can't. We'll keep running in circles that way."

When I pull away, his eyes are to the ground, his chest breathing heavily.

"I'll never get enough of your taste. But I know this is how it has to be...for now."

"That doesn't make things easier."

"I know. We work together. And even if we weren't...I don't date. I don't have time for that."

"I fully understand. This is just an outlet for you, isn't it?"

"I suppose... Wait, no! We're talking about you. You're not an "outlet". You're...way too interesting for that. But we should stop this conversation before it goes in a direction, we might both regret in the office tomorrow. Let me drive you home."

"Okay. Thanks."

When I get home, I notice I have one unread text. Huh, Byron... Byron: Thanks again for today.

Jocelyn: You're welcome- again!

Byron: I actually messaged you to find out one thing...Did you smile when you saw my name pop up on your phone?

Jocelyn: Only my biggest, cheesiest grin.

Byron: Good. I'm glad Melany asked you to the recital. I can't wait to see you again. I'll pick you up at 7 pm. She's staying at a friend's house afterwards, so if you want, you're welcome to come back to my place for a drink.

Jocelyn: What if I don't drink?

Byron: I was trying to be subtle. If I typed what I really wanted to do with'd probably get fired. I smiled. Oh!

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